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Category: Snippet

Snippet: Brrr(!)

I’ve just found out why I’ve been so cold the last week (mainly staying in bed wrapped up until midday, returning to bed at 6pm and just popping out of bed to change the “tape” of the film(s) I’m watching). Even though I was increasing the central heating temperature to 30degrees (celsius), I was still cold. Why?

The blinking boiler had packed up!

Yep – end of December, middle of Winter and my boiler’s been broken for a week and I just hadn’t noticed? No heating or hot water for a whole week! How come I hadn’t noticed the lack of hot water? Well, I’ve had the washing machine (which has a heater) and the dish washer (which also has a heater) running quite a bit so I just assumed they had taken all the hot water. D’oh!

Luckily, it was just a case of: remove the cover of the boiler, remove the metal safety cover, restart the boiler flick the fan with my finger: as it was the fan/pump that had stopped, let it run and then oil it. Watch for a bit then seal the beast back up. The radiators are beginning to feel warm and I should be able to have a nice HOT relaxing bath before I decide what to do regarding New Years Eve….

Snippet: Broken Keyboard

It appears my keyboard is suffering from problems at the moment – they seem to be power related as if I hold it closer to the receiver (yep, it’s a wireless keyboard) I’m able to type quite normally. However, if I place the keyboard on my desk it doesn’t. Well – it didn’t until just then. Hmm, I’m now typing this on my desk wondering what’s going on…

Aargh! I’ve just noticed not one, not two but 10 fully charged batteries in a box in front of me so I needn’t have worried about finding a shop selling batteries at nearly 11pm at night. Ignore this post, I’m just rambling on a bit here (blame a small f-ck up at work and me not feeling 100%: haven’t eaten properly for 3 days since I’ve not felt that hungry, and I’ve been sleeping quite a bit as I’ve been feeling tired – yet bags under my eyes exist still). Blarg 🙁

Snippet: Where’s that backup…

Kak! I’ve just need to revive some code that I created in a week for a developmental site over 4 years ago (3 computers, 1 house move and 2 server moves ago). Since the site was only on the internet for around two months, it’s not in any of my “recent backups” (I’ve managed to check as far back as August last year without problems), but I know I kept a copy somewhere. Problem is: is it on CD (I think it is) or Iomega Zip disc or on a computers hard drive? And which format will it be in? Back then, I was coding on an Acorn RISC PC which has its own Disc Filing System (ADFS) and the hard drive and Iomega discs won’t be readable on either my Windows XP machine or Linux machine.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem as I’d just pull my old Risc PC out of the attic, hook it up and somehow get the data off it (as I suspect it’s stored on the hard drive: either that or on one or more of the 12 Zip discs). However – the machine won’t boot (it’s 10 years old and by looks of things the CMOS battery on the motherboard has corroded). It’ll turn on, the power light will come on, the hard drive will spin, the keyboard LEDs will briefly flash and that’s it 🙁

Thing is, I can get a replacement RISC PC a lot quicker and cheaper than getting the current machine repaired (just buy a second hand one off Ebay). But I need the data by Monday morning(!).


Snippet: Sick.

I’m ill at the moment (so ill I left work 4 hours early). I’m feeling a bit better now, but I don’t like the symptoms. Symptoms were stomach ache and thirst. Symptoms went away after lots of Coca Cola (2×2 litre bottles and 2 cans) and 4 pancakes with lots of sugar.

I know that a) baring a “turn for the worse”, I’ll be at work tomorrow, and b) I’ve I’m still feeling “odd” on Saturday, I’ll try and get a blood-sugar test done..
