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Day: 14 August 2003

Snippet: Guess That Movie Delayed

The latest Guess That Movie image will be delayed for 24 hours (along with another “Which movie am I poll?”). Why? Well, my ADSL connection is now down for maintenance until 4am and hence I’m having to resort to just plain old 56k dialup – and for obvious reasons, I don’t want to be uploading images or staying online longer than necessary (I pay by the minute for dialup access, ADSL is just one monthly fee).


Search: Google Calculator II

LOL (laugh out loud!). Being a typical geek, I tried several calculations in the Google Calculator to get a screenshot showing 42: but I should have remembered my Douglas Adams and just searched for “answer to life, the universe and everything”.

No kidding – Google returns “answer to life, the universe and everything = 42” – try it yourself!.

I now also know roughly how much I weigh in kilograms ( 13 stones to kilograms : yes, Google does conversions as well), I’m sure that “four and twenty” does actually mean twenty four blackbirds, and I know how many Newtons I need to travel back in time to a fortnight plus 17 days ago with my copy of “555.6 kilometers under the sea.

Kewl! (well, it keeps me entertained).