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Day: 28 October 2011

Running Jenkins CI for PHP on Amazon EC2 [2/7]

Continued from Part 1 – Introduction

Signing up to Amazon EC2 and starting your first image

  1. Sign up to Amazon’s AWS service at
  2. You will be prompted for payment details, but you won’t be charged if you use Amazon’s free Micro EC2 instance
  3. Wait for your account to be created – you will get an email once done, but it’ll take a few hours (it took me 3 hours)
  4. Log back into and select “Amazon EC2”
  5. Select the closest region to yourself in the left hand side
  6. Select “Launch instance” and, if prompted, select “Launch classic wizard”
  7. Select, from the Quck Start tab, the “Basic 64 Bit Amazon Linux AMI” image. This should be near the top and indicated with a big gold star to indicate “Free tier eligible if used with a micro instance”. Click continue
  8. Set the number of instances to 1 and the Instance type to “Micro”.
  9. Under “Launch instances”, select an EC2 availability zone or just leave it set to “No preference”. Click continue.
  10. Ignore the “Advanced instance options” and just click continue
  11. Ignore the Tags page and just click continue
  12. Select “Create a new Key Pair” and give it a name (such as AmazonInstance) and then “Create and download your key pair” and save the file some where important. Click continue.
  13. On the “Create a new security group”, create a name group called “JenkinsSSH” with a description of “Web and SSH access” and:
    • Create a new inbound rule with “Custom TCP rule”, port range “8080”, Source “”. Click Add rule
    • Create a new inbound rule with “Custom TCP rule”, port range “22”, Source “”. Click Add rule
    • Click “Launch” and wait a couple of minutes
    • Once it has launched, scroll down the bottom half of the “My Instances” panel until you see the “Public DNS” and make a record of that entry (

Continued in Preparing PuTTY for Amazon EC2