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Day: 26 December 2002

Game: Batman Beyond

[Batman Beyond]Thanks to Firda over at WannabeGirl, I’ve been playing the Macromedia Shockwave game “Batman Beyond: Evolution of Evil game. Using the arrow keys, CTRL, SHIFT and the Spacebar, you control Batman. Initially, you’ve got to guide him past some rats in a hotel to collect your communicator, bat-belt, pieces of a journal and a key.

Once you’ve got the hang of the controls, figured out that things are hidden beneath barrels, fire-extinguishers and moving robots, and that you don’t have to use the elevators/lifts to move up and down a level – it can be quite easy. Everything is in the ‘same place’ if you need to restart the level and a little trick is to try and collect all the pieces before lots of Dr.Cavier’s henchmen come out to inflict pain upon you.

Unlike Firda, I managed to finish the entire game (and, for the benefit of everyone, I’ve compiled a list of passwords) – and all the advice I’m willing to give is “Don’t attempt to hit Dr.Cavier yourself…”

Snippet: Holiday Email

*snippet* I’ve just come back from spending around 40 hours at my parents (that’s the reason why I was unable to wish everyone that reads this “Merry Christmas” – sorry!) and I’ve got over 1060 emails waiting for me. Most of it appears to be spam but I am definitely gnashing my teeth…

Movies: Lord Of The Rings

[Lord Of The Rings]Wow! It seems hard for me to believe that LOTR: The Two Towers is already out at the cinema and I still haven’t watched LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring nor read any of the books.

I know there have already been a large number of reviews aboutThe Two Towersfilm, but I’ve never really been “into” Tolkien so it’s doubtful whether I will see the film or not: but reading the 50 reasons why LOTR sucks (they also have a review of LOTR: TTT) and the quite valid reasons such as “Every time Frodo or Bilbo went invisible with the ring they should have also gone BLIND. Your eyes cannot function unless light is reflected off the cornea. If light passes through it (as must be the case with invisibility) sight is no longer possible. Also, rings do not turn you invisible.” makes me wonder if it is worth seeing anyway….