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Month: December 2002

Movies: Lord Of The Rings

[Lord Of The Rings]Wow! It seems hard for me to believe that LOTR: The Two Towers is already out at the cinema and I still haven’t watched LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring nor read any of the books.

I know there have already been a large number of reviews aboutThe Two Towersfilm, but I’ve never really been “into” Tolkien so it’s doubtful whether I will see the film or not: but reading the 50 reasons why LOTR sucks (they also have a review of LOTR: TTT) and the quite valid reasons such as “Every time Frodo or Bilbo went invisible with the ring they should have also gone BLIND. Your eyes cannot function unless light is reflected off the cornea. If light passes through it (as must be the case with invisibility) sight is no longer possible. Also, rings do not turn you invisible.” makes me wonder if it is worth seeing anyway….

Joke: T’was the Internet Night Before Christmas

[Santa]Cool, I’ve just received “T’was the Internet Night Before Christmas” (a parody of The Night Before Christmas which I blogged about back on the 28th of November) by email and have reproduced it here for your enjoyment:

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Net,
There were hacker’s a surfing. Nerds? Yeah, you bet.
The e-mails were stacked by the modem with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The newbies were nestled all snug by their screens,
While visions of Java danced in their dreams.
My wife on the sofa and me with a snack,
We just settled down at my rig (it’s a Mac).

Friday Group Therapy: Holidays

[Leather Couch]I’m still trying to do the Friday Group Therapy thing that I joined a fortnight ago – last weeks were only a day late, but since it’s practically Christmas I’m allowing myself to be slightly late.

This week, Brian has managed to think of 7 questions to do with the holiday season: yep, Crimbo time!

  1. What holiday do you celebrate this time of year and what does it mean to you?
    I celebrate Christmas (also known as ‘Crimbo’ and ‘Xmas’) although I’m aware that the Jewish faith celebrate Hanukkah. What it means to me? Well, as a Christian it means the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ (although it is well known that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th – most likely September 29th, 5 BC, but I’ve heard even mid-January). “Christmas” as a celebration actually pre-dates Christmas and goes back to Pagan origins and hence why it is not celebrated by certain parts of Christianity – most notably the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    What else does Christmas mean to me? Well, I suppose it goes deeper than “just religion”: Christmas has become a time of goodwill, friendship, love, caring, a time to think of others, family, and, of course, the commercialisation aspect. Yeh! I admit it, I like Christmas presents! 🙂