After 5 incorrect guesses, LD correctly recognised Guess That Movie 22 as being taken from the 1997 movie Air Force One
. It showed Dean Stockwell as “Defence Secretary Walter Dean” – the clue I gave out (if you didn’t recognise him from the photo) was the corrupted introduction to Quantum Leap
(in which I know him as “Al” the hologram). I should have realised that he was a distinguished actor and had been in many other movies other than Air Force One (126 movies/TV programmes according to his IMDb profile.
I’ve now updated the high score tables and whilst the last two rounds have made a little difference, there’s been no change in the rankings. It’s still Ph33r_m3 followed by LD (now on 445 points), then “Super Beastmaster” and then Kymberlie R. McGuire (who only managed to gain an extra 55 points with the rather difficult round 21: The Cure).
Anyway, here’s round 23 (already? *shocked*) of Guess That Movie. Which movie is this image taken from then?
A: Birthday Girl. Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire
24 hours on and no guesses? Surly this one isn’t too hard?
I am stumped. It looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it.
Well, it’s been made in the last 20 years if that’s any help – but I guess that’s no big surprise.
havent got a clue, but then again i dont need one, ive already got a prize , hah!
Hi, I just wandered across your blog and thought I’d hazard a guess…it appears to be a small child getting dressed, so maybe Sixth Sense? But it looks like ugly 70s fashions, so maybe Riding in Cars With Boys? Something with a kid in it…
maybe “ace ventura pet detective. the first one, not when nature calls
billy elliot?
The Birthday Girl (I had help from a co-worker on this.)
Congatulations Kymberlie’s co-worker – you got it right: and there I was thinking that Kymberlie might be able to recognise Ben Chaplin’s crotch on her own 😉
Now – the question is: do I award the points to Kymberlie or her co-worker? 🙂 First things first though – I’ll just get the next image up and running: it should be ready in the next 30 minutes.
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