Congratulations Jay on recognising that Guess That Movie round 59 was from the 1992 movie “Universal Solider” amazoncom:B00005O6Y3 .
Have a guess at this picture and see if you can recognise it – we’ve just 3 more images after this one before the “prize awarding” stage, so get the points in now! You never know, if you get enough points and consequently an Amazon gift voucher (free to all people getting at least 500 points!), you could buy me a present from my Amazon wish list for my 24th birthday on Sunday…
The rules again for new contestants: Just leave a comment with your name/alias, email address (for the prize givings) and the name of the movie you think this screen shot is taken from. If you guess that movie correctly, I’ll award you some points. Points start at 100 per image and decline over time (after the first 12 hours it goes down by 10 points, then down a further 10 points every 24hours after posting) – oh and wrong guesses have a 5 point penalty. But what good are points? Well, get 500 points and you can claim a £5 Amazon gift voucher/certificate for the Amazon store of your choice (£5 will be converted into the appropriate currency at the exchange rates displayed on at the time of claim) – so you can get free books, movies and music just by playing a simple FREE guessing game!
A: Aliens. Correctly guessed by Niall
That’s a shot of the space marine, Vasquez, from the movie ‘Aliens’
Why, thanks Richy. I didn’t know you were ONLY turning 24. Don’t ask what i was thinking, I need to spare myself SOME embarassment. Just 400 more to go!
Goody, who woulda thunk it that a new one would come out so fast? And an easy one to boot!