I’ve just been speaking to my GESF (and will be again shortly) about various things and the conversation got onto personalities and she said that I had a nice, kind, considerate, lovely personality and if I was there now that she’d give me a cuddle!
Ahhh, I responded “Stop it – my face is turning the same colour as an Oomph Lumpas” (and, yep, I could feel the blood rising in my cheeks). In usual Richy/GESF manner, the conversation then went off on a tangent and she asked if I had spent so long on a sunbed that I looked like David Dickinson , I then (deliberately – honestly!) put my foot in it by saying that Dale Winton was more my sort of man sweetie! (yep, I did a camp voice and everything). We had a good laugh.
(David Dickinson and Dale Winton are both UK TV personalities that are known for being a bit “orange” looking, Dale Winton has also recently came out and announced he is a homosexual although he does have a number of camp mannerisms which made it quite easy to guess anyway).
Anyway – gotta go do stuff now. Need to call GESF back, get Linux running on Zaphod (my old PC), crack the latest Google algorithm (it’s a strange one and a large number of people are reporting problems with it already), finish off coding a site, have dinner, finish reading Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets (I finished the Order Of The Phoenix yesterday) and a whole host of other things: but not necessarily in that order!