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Day: 17 October 2006

Spam Levels

According to the server this blog is hosted on, there’s been 101 emails processed today with 72 (71.3%) of those being detectable spam.

It doesn’t sound a lot until you consider one of our shared hosting servers has handled 22,251 so far today with 3,001 being low scoring spam (13.5%), 11,355 (51.0%) being high scoring spam and 583 (2.6%) being viruses. That’s 67.1% of emails having to be rejected as they are spam or viruses….

And that’s just the detectable spam – imagine what it’ll be like without sites such as Spamhaus (which is currently subject to a legal battle) helping the servers detect what is spam and what isn’t. Do you really want your InBox more than doubling in size due to spam?….

Personal: Freak out time….

Ok, what’s the odds of guessing somebody’s birthday *exactly* on your first guess? 1 in 365? Well, if you know their star sign, it’s more like 1 in 30, but I still achieved it! I don’t know how I did it myself, it just felt right but…. It freaked her out and it freaked myself out! Proceeding to guess her mothers name on the first guess as well (just based on my friends initials) makes it doubly so!

Now I just want to know why I haven’t won the lottery yet….