After just over 3 years working at Blue Duck Education Ltd as the Lead Developer/Systems Architect with Toby Rowland and other very talented people (too numerous to name here) building the Mangahigh Maths Games educational resource which we built from a brand new site to being one of the fastest growing educational games sites – I’m now leaving for pastures new.
So where am I going?
Well, my fiancée and I will be starting, on the 3rd of January, a new company called Bairwell Web Development to combine our two talents. Bairwell will be offering WordPress, Perch and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP 5 : also some Varnish, PostgreSQL, Memcache, Perl and Systems administration) development consultancy services – so if you want a well designed (Katy), scalable and responsive (me) website: then please get in touch with us via our web development site (Katy is still working on it at this time of writing), Twitter or Facebook.
Fingers crossed!