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Day: 24 May 2012

WordPress PHPStorm coding standards

I’m a regular user of JetBrains PhpStorm coding package and recently I’ve been doing a bit of WordPress orientated work – so how can I ensure my code matches the WordPress coding standards? Well, using Rarst’s WordPress coding standards helps.

  1. Just download the file and save it as “WordPress.xml” into your Php Storm folder such as .WebIde40/config/codestyles (on Linux, this was /home/[username]/.WebIde40/config/codestyles : I did have to show hidden files in Nautilus: on Windows it’ll be something like C:\Users\[username]\.WebIde40\config\codestyles\ ). To find your configuration file easily, run the following commands:
    • Linux: cd ~/.WebIde40/config/codestyles
    • Mac OS X: cd ~/Library/Preferences/WebIde40/codestyles
    • Windows: cd c:/Users/USERNAME/.WebIde40/config/codestyles
  2. Restart PhpStorm
  3. Load your project and go to “File -> Settings”
  4. Select “Project Settings -> Code Style”
  5. Select “Scheme: WordPress” and OK
  6. Select “Code -> Reformat code…” and wait for your code to be reformatted

This won’t catch every item (such as the Yoda conditions), but it’ll at least make it a bit closer.