Bookmarks I’ve added on recently
- Growing One's Consulting Business
- From OSX to Ubuntu | Code | Nicolas Perriault
- Leigh Dodds on Twitter: "Reading the #openbanking open data licence and terms #opendata"
- Gender-neutral Technical Writing | TechWhirl
- Smashing Magazine on Twitter: "If you’re running over HTTPS already, it’s worth looking into using Brotli compression."
- Your browser version and installed plugins – courtesy of Browser Details
I had an idea like this nearly 17 years ago to help a web hosting company…
- TinyCert
"Become your own PKI/certificate authority in a matter of minutes. Generate and manage SSL certificates quickly and easily without looking up OpenSSL syntax"
- How not to approach me on LinkedIn
- What Developers Want Recruiters to Know (with tweets) · calevans · Storify
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