I’m adding the details of how to remove the Freeserve branding from Internet Explorer here for historical reasons. Although in 2013, this information should no longer be needed (it was back in 2000ish when I originally wrote it). So please be aware this is massively outdated and probably no longer relevant information, but I like to archive stuff 😉
To remove the Freeserve branding, you can delete the directory called /signup located in “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer”.
If you just wish to delete the toolbar motif, just delete the file toolbar.bmp from “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Signup\”.
To completely erase all mention of Freeserve from your system, you can remove the appropriate registry settings.
We do not advise modification of registry settings by untrained personnel You can modify your registry settings using the regedit tool. If you wish to do this, from the Start menu, go to Run, and type ‘regedit’. Search for those Keys which refer to Freeserve and, if you wish, remove them. Remember to make a back-up of the registry before making any changes.
Outstanding items that you may wish to remove that are not covered by the instructions above include:
To modify the title of Internet Explorer:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Right click on Window Title to edit.
To modify title of Outlook Express:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express
Right click on Window Title to edit
To remove the Infopane at the bottom of Outlook Express:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express
Remove the key ‘BodyBarPath’ in the same section as above.