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Tag: kill everyone

Games: The Kill Everyone Project

[The Kill Everyone Project]Continuing the ‘button’ theme from yesterday and Monday let me present the Flash The Kill Everyone Project. Basically, you’ve just got to use your mouse to click a moving red button and each time you do, it kills a ‘virtual person’. The “total population” count, however, is linked to the world population – therefore you (and other participants) have only got to “kill” 6,248,918,996 people (only 1,801,950,011 people have been killed so far).

It’s quite ‘ironic’ timing that I post this, as TKEP is currently ‘killing’ the UK population (14.29% done, only 52,735,058 people left to go). Yep – it goes in population order (smallest country first). Did you know the UK was the 20th most populated country?

I’ve managed to kill 818,886 people so far (giving me a ‘rank’ of 313 out of 27,783)… Here’s a thought for you – if this game was “real” and every-time you clicked the ‘Click here!’ button you really did kill someone (in real life) – would you press it? How about if someone paid you a million pounds and guaranteed that you could not be traced? On the one hand you could be killing a serial murderer/paedophile/spammer or you could be making several children orphans… How much is a human life worth?