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Tag: mt everest

Sponsor somebody to plummet towards pointy rocks

In less that two weeks, Kate Craig-Wood (whose web site was redesigned by my other-half) and who is the MD of Memset Virtual Servers is taking part in the world’s first skydive onto Mount Everest raising money for Computer Clubs 4 Girls. Only 16% of technology workers are female, and the UK IT industry desperately needs to increase that proportion. CC4G aims to encourage girls between 10 and 14 to develop and interest in IT and learn core skills that will enable them to move into a successful and rewarding career.

Please consider making a donation in support of her jump from 29,000 ft (landing at 12,000 ft)! You can find more details and the link to donate here:

I would be very grateful if you would also consider passing this along to IT professionals in your personal network. The shortage of women in IT is a problem that affects us all, and all donations, no matter how small, will help.

(This was a public service announcement 🙂 Now give her some dosh!)