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Day: 10 July 2007

Search Engines: What does Google Analytics Bounce Rate Mean?

As many of you may be aware, Google Analytics is actually based off the old Urchin statistical gathering systems (which was a commercial available stats package). However, the new version of Analytics has a “Bounce Rate” section – but what does this mean?

Via 123-reg, I came across Google bounce factor research data is in, I found a nice summary which basically means:

  • The Bounce Rate is the rate that people leave your site for the one they were on previously (i.e. they didn’t find what they wanted on your site)
  • Google actually uses this information to tweak the search engine rankings for your site (on the basis, the lower the bounce rate the “better” your site is)
  • The overall bounce rate for the site and each individual bounce rates for each of your keywords plays a role.

Interesting – and it’s certainly one reason not to use Google Analytics (unless your bounce rate is non-existent), but in theory, it should help persuade people to build content rich sites which actually have the content on the page which the page is being promoted for (no more search for “car insurance” and ending up on adult only websites!).

Techy: Background Processes In PHP

From What You’re Doing Is Rather Desperate is a very nice way of running a background task in PHP. I’ve implemented compression of a .tar file in the following method using this code:

$ps=runinbackground("gzip -v $tarfile -c 1> ".$tmp."download.tar.gz 2>".$tmp."download.tar.log");
while (isprocessrunning($ps)) {
if ($count>8) { $count=0; }
function runinbackground($command) {
$command="nohup $command & echo $!";
return ($PID);
function isprocessrunning($PID) {
exec("ps $PID",$processstate);

I can then monitor (within the loop) the download.tar.log file if necessary. Hope it helps someone else.