I’ve been a bit busy the past few days, but I’ll bring you up to speed with what’s happening with Jerry, and how helpful he’s been (he’s sent some documents – a copy of ‘Albert Pilchards’ will, his death certificate and a certificate of deposit) so let’s continue the tale of the Nigerian spammer who claims I could inherit a fortune (for background information see day 5, day 4, day 3, day 2 or go right back to the very start with day 1).
Oh, and yes, transcripts of all the documents he sent (all were JPG format) have been made – ideal if you are received the same files from the spammer and were doing a search to find some “background data”….
My emails to Jerry at jerry.duruibe@email.ro seem to be hitting delays while being delivered by HotMail to Jerry’s mail drop on Astral FreeMail, but after the delays he’s managed to get back to me with some “helpful” details.
First of all, I have a response from my day 5 message claiming that I my plane to New Zealand had been delayed by “mechanical failure”:
From : Jerry Duruibe
Subject : Pls Call Soonest
Date : Tue, 19 Nov 2002 01:53:50 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: from zerg.codec.ro ([]) by mc1-f32.law16.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:52:15 -0800
Received: (from httpd@localhost)by zerg.codec.ro (8.11.6/8.11.4) id gAINro420272;Tue, 19 Nov 2002 01:53:50 +0200
X-Mailer: freemail 0.9.8
X-User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt; YComp
X-Organization: ASTRAL FreeMail
Return-Path: jerry.duruibe@email.ro
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 18 Nov 2002 23:52:15.0353 (UTC) FILETIME=[85747E90:01C28F5D]Dear Mr. Pilchard,
How are you? I believe by now you must have gotten my voice message. Please
endeavour to call me as soon as you are back from your trip and amny thanks for
your sincere mail.I will fax over the documents to you as soon as I get to my office tomorrow,
the court held my whole day. Have you heard from the security company? Please
you must not respond them without reaching me first okay. I want us to work
closely in this pursuit.Have a nice business time over. Anticipating your call.
Jerry Duruibe ESQ.
> Dear Jerry,
> Luckily I’ve been informed that my plane’s been delayed by 12 hours due to
And then a little later on, true to his word, his responds to my “Re: Pls Confirm Safety” email also sent on day 5 (when I landed at “Pudnuowg Nibru” in New Zealand):
From : Jerry Duruibe
Subject : Documents
Date : Tue, 19 Nov 2002 20:28:09 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: from zerg.codec.ro ([]) by mc8-f25.law1.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Tue, 19 Nov 2002 10:27:25 -0800
Received: (from httpd@localhost)by zerg.codec.ro (8.11.6/8.11.4) id gAJISBC28451;Tue, 19 Nov 2002 20:28:11 +0200
X-Mailer: freemail 0.9.8
X-User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
X-Organization: ASTRAL FreeMail
Return-Path: jerry.duruibe@email.ro
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 19 Nov 2002 18:27:25.0835 (UTC) FILETIME=[4F35CDB0:01C28FF9]Hello Rich,
I have been trying to send these attached files for the past five hours but the
Internet connection got so bad that it could come. Please find the attched
documents and please call me at any time to confirm the receipt.I hope your day was good, I wish you best of the trip. When do feel you can be
back?Expecting your response.
> Hi Jerry,
> I haven’t long landed in Pudnuowg Nibru in New Zealand – why they have to
I don’t know exactly what went wrong on the email transmission, but the attached files he sent were slightly mangled and I had to download the raw email from HotMail and then use “munpack” to get hold of them. But here they are: certdep (certificate of deposit), deathcer (death certificate) and the will will1 and will2.
Stay tuned for what happened next…
[Back to day 5]
Documents sent by “Jerry Duruibe” on day 6:
- certdep.jpg 80Kb (Certificate of Deposit)
As you can see, it does look quite “official” and real looking doesn’t it. Well, I’ll hate the shatter any illusions, but as we know, there is no one could “Richard Pilchard” (as he’s an imaginary person created by me) and “Albert Doto Pilchard” on the certificate is a faked name (see day 1 for details). If “City Securities” did actually print this out and scan it, it must have cost them a whole 12p – after all, since these are scanned copies we can’t tell if the “microprint” on the certificate is actually real or if it’s just been printed on the paper after being reduced in something like Photoshop. And anyway, once it gets to the point where “City Securities/Jerry” have to start providing “evidence”, they are quite sure they’ve got a victim and are going to get quite a bit of money from them.
I’ve transcribed the document as well as I can here:
Certificate of DepositCity Securities Limited
CODES XB00117D0Q93
CBZ1400XXXB2No: CSLVD/007342219
Telephone: 01 613663
Fax: 01 613663This is to certify that the above firm/person(s) have deposited a consignment tagged B-GA 19391/97
Declared as CASH DEPOSIT (MONEY) on this date mentioned 15TH OCTOBER 1997[signed] Depositor [signed] Witness [signed] For: City Securities Limited
[ ] Thumbprint* This deposit is made and acceptable under the strict terms and conditions stipulated in the deposit agreement
- deathcer.jpg 45.6Kb (Death Certificate)
I’ve got no idea what a Nigerian death certificate looks like, but I’m sure it looks better than this! Again, it does look officialish – complete with a “Sagbama Local Government Council Death Registration Dept” stamp on the bottom of it. But surely such an ‘official’ document (especially since it’s stamped ‘Original’) would have some sort of watermarking to make the word “Copy” or similar show up (usually in red) if it is copied – and surely the death certificate should of a ‘date and place of birth’ on it as well… Anyway, here’s the transcript:
Form D.2
Birth/Death Registry
DEATH CERTIFICATEIssued under the Births and Deaths Etc. (Compulsory Registration) Decree 69 of 1992
Registration Centre SAGBAMA L.G.A. COUNCIL Certificate Number D NO: 648936
Town/Village SHOMOLUG
L.G.A. SAGBAMA L.G.A. Volume SLG018 YEAR 1998 ENTRY NO DR-969246
State RIVERS STATEThis is to certify that the death, details of which are recorded herein has been registered on
28th Day APRIL Month 1998 Year
at this Registration Centre1. Full Name: (surname First) (in block letters) PILCHARD D. ALBERT
2. Sex: Male (M)
3. Date Of Death 21st Day APRIL Month 1998 Year
4. Age at Death: 57Yrs
5. Place of Death: SAGBAMA L.G.A
6. Full Address of Usual Place of Residence of Deceased: No 48 THOMAS
Place of Issue: SAGBAMA L.G.A. COUNCIL
Name of Registrar: Rufus Okorie
Date: 28/04/1998
Signature of Registrar: [signed – dated 28-04-98]
And a copy of Albert Pilchard’s Will:
I Mr. ALBERT PILCHARD of No 48 Thomas Akinjide Street, Victoria Island, and
Lagos State hereby revoke all former testamentary disposition made by me and
declare this to be my last will.(1) I appoint Mr. JERRY DURUIBE ESQ. OF OLISA AGBAKOBA &
ASSOCIATES of 21 Ahmed Onibudo Crescent Victoria Island, Lagos State
and Mr J.C. Okereke of 41 Ryle street Ikeja Lagos state (hereinafter called my
trustees which expressions shall include the trustees for the time being here of]
to be the executors and trustees of this my will(2) I give to my trustees all my real and personal property whatsoever and
wheresover [including all entailed property of which I have power to expose
by will] viz
a) A deposit with city securities limited valued at $7,800,000 USD.
b) One duplex unit situated at no 13 Ogundele Street Ikeja Lagos.
c) One twin duplex at no 16 Whyte Street Port Harcourt Rivers state.
d) Stocks with Mobil Nigeria Unlimited, Union Dicon Salt Limited, UAC
PLC and First Bank plc. Valued at $180,000USD
e) A deposit with Global Diplomatic Services – UK valued at £380,000.3) My trustees shall hold the said property upon trust to sell the same with power
in the absolute discretion to postpone such sale for so long as they shall think
fit without being liable for loss.4) My trustees shall hold the proceeds of sale on all unsold property and my
ready money upon the following trusts.
a) To pay my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses.
b) Subject there to my wife VIRGINIA PILCHARD if she survives me one
month after my death absolutely
c) Subject there to my two children GERALD PILCHARD and ADLINE
PILCHARD if they survive me one month after my death absolutely.
d) Provided that if my two children already mentioned shall die in my life
time or after my death under the age of eighteen years and unmarried
then the said proceeds of sale and all unsold property shall be held for
any person or group of persons my trustee deems appropriate absolutely5) Any trustee being a solicitor or other person engaged in any profession or business
may be so employed or act and shall be entitled to charge and be paid all professional
or other charges for all business or acts done by him in connection with the trust here
of including acts which a trustee could have done personally.IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of January 1998
[signature] ALBERT PILCHARDSIGNED by the above- mentioned
ALBERT PILCHARD as his last will in
the presence of us present at the
same time who at his request in
his presence and in the presence
of each other have subscribed
our names as witness.IN THE PRESENCE of
SIGNATURE: [signature]
DATE: 13th January 1998
ADDRESS: NO 41 Ryle Street Ikeja Lagos State.
SIGNATURE: [signature]
DATE: 13th January 1998
ADDRESS: NO 19 Boyle Street Apapa Lagos State
ASSOCIATES (Legal Practitioner) of Anthony Village Lagos state Nigeria.
One Comment
I am in the middle of a similar exercise just now with a guy who is trying to give me 20% of $28M – how bloody generous can you be!!!!
He has however sent me a better death cert than the ones you show – it even has a place and date of birth – clearly these idiots are getting more sophisticated.
Question – why do they do it?
What the hell do they think they will get from us?
Stewart King
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