Well, when I posted Guess That Movie round 41, I really believed I would have got you all stumped… And I did for some time – until Kymberlie R. McGuire came along and managed to recognise the image as being taken from the 1949 movie Kind Hearts and Coronets
amazoncom:B00006FMAR . It’s another movie I haven’t seen in ages and that I really want to see again. Starring Alec Guinness as the entire D’Ascoynes family, its a really good film despite its age.
Let’s move out of the 1940’s and move into a bit more modern times with this image taken from a colour movie (oooh – we are getting up to date aren’t we? 😉 ), it didn’t win any Oscars – but I really enjoy it (yep, it’s a comedy).
So have a guess at the title of the movie you think this image has been taken from and let me know what you think, and in my “custom” at the moment – here’s a “no extra points available” mutated theme song from my childhood:
“Up above the streets and houses,
Richy climbing high.
Everyone can see him climbing
Through the sky.
Paint the whole world with a Richy!”
A: Spaceballs. amazoncom:0792844890 Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire
Damn! Kimberlie you have to get a life and stop watching Richie’s blog every minute. 😉
Curse you Kymberlie R. McGuire! 🙂
Cheers for the screengrab tip
Works a treet
Congratulations again Kymberlie! The next Guess That Movie will probably be in 8 hours time (I’m going to try and stagger some of the images to give other contestants a chance).