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Month: March 2003

Games: Bombing Bush

[Bomb Bush]Yep, at long last I’m blogging about another game! Yippee! In fact, it’s been a whole month since I last blogged about a game (Grid Lock) and I’ll try and not make it so long again.

In George W. Bush: National Missile Defense you control Dubya and his pretty little umbrella and have just got to save the Whitehouse from a missile by bouncing it off the top of your umbrella. Use your mouse to control him and make him move left and right – but just don’t get distracted by Tony Blair popping around for a cup of tea.

60 is my highest score so far, but “allegedly” someone has managed to score 36,129 – considering the remaining of the scores top 129 I think 129 is the highest score so far.

Guess That Movie: XXXV: Silence Of The Lambs

[Guess That Movie Round 35]Yesss! At long last, somebody has beaten Kymberlie in correctly guessing that movie! Round 34 saw newcomer “Shaun” recognising the screenshot as being taken from Forrest Gump [Order from] amazoncom:B00003CXA2 before Kymberlie did! I was beginning to get worried that Kymberlie was the only player 🙂

I’m just about to try and go to sleep now (drinking a pint of “simulation drink” packed with caffeine was a bad idea), but see how well you go at recognising this shot of somebody’s back. It should be reasonably difficult, but it was a popular movie a few years ago (I’m not saying how many though) so it should still be recognisable.

Oh – and I’m giving an extra 25 points away to the first person to make the necessary “degrees of separation” between the actress Dervla Kirwan and the comedian Lenny Henry. To start you off, Dervla starred in “Goodnight Sweetheart” and Lenny’s married to Dawn French – but can you complete the connection between “Goodnight Sweetheart” and Dawn French? Remember, these bonus points are “extras” – you don’t even have to “guess that movie” to try and make the connection, but you can do if you want. I can connect them with a total of 8 people in the chain: the lowest number of people in the chain the better!

A: Silence Of The Lambs. [Order from] amazoncom:B00005LINB Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire

Joke: An Texan In London

[London]A Texan was taking a taxi tour of London, and was in a hurry. As they went by the Tower of London the cabbie explained what it was and that construction started in 1346 and it was completed in 1412.

The Texan replied, “Shoot, a little ol’ tower like that? In Houston we’d have that thing up in two weeks!”

House of Parliament next – Started construction in 1544, completed 1618. “Hell boy, we put up a bigger one than that in Dallas and it only took a year!”

As they passed Westminister Abbey the cabby was silent. “Whoah! What’s that over there?”

Personal: Not going clubbing

[Not clubbing]Yesterday, because it was one of my co-workers quarter-of-a-century birthday (yep, she’s 25) we finished work early and went down the pub for a few pints. We had a good laugh and talks – everything from what our boss has got planned for the future (he’s a damn fine businessman with a lotta good ideas!), to what my co-worker (who I’m now going to refer to as MSSC – my sweet shy co-worker as she is!) had planned for last night (a meal out with family) and what my new co-worker (BRCW: bike riding co-worker as that’s how she gets to work) thinks of her new job, to my idea of a new source of power (I didn’t go into too much detail, because if it is feasible, which I doubt actually, it will practically make me a millionaire overnight) etc etc: good laughs all round really.

We went for 1 pint each because MSSC had to catch a lift home at our “normal” finishing time, but we didn’t leave the pub until around 2.5hours later! I already think that I’ve talked with BRCW more than MSSC despite her only working with us for a week now: they are both very sweet and nice, but BRCW’s got a boyfriend (and, co-incidentally, last year worked for around 4 months at my local Jacksons corner-shop along with having worked for Samworth Brothers who I used to work for as well at one point) and MSSC just seems happy to study and I don’t think it helps with us both being sortof shy and quiet.

No, don’t get me wrong, I’m not deliberately saying that I want to go out with either of them (although we all do seem to get on extremely well together and it could just be a case of getting to know each other a ‘little better’), but I’m just not ruling it out. Things between my GESF (green-eyed southern friend) are still going alright, but I think we’ll just be friends over the long term – we get on extremely well, but we’re just too far apart and involved in work and other stuff for things to spark. Story of my life really: Lots of female friends, but I’m single. Oh well, such is life! Saying that, I’ve always got on with women better than blokes (whilst I would class ciaran, Neil and a few other male ODP editors as friends, I’m not able to say that they are ‘proper proper friends’) so perhaps it’s to be expected…

Guess That Movie: XXXIV: Forrest Gump

[Guess That Movie 34]Well, Kymberlie’s certainly taking the lead by recognising so many movies so quickly – she guessed round 33: Blade Runner amazoncom:0790729628 correctly in under ten minutes… That’ll take her up to at least 970 points once I update the high score table.

I haven’t got much time at the moment (as I’m going off to war against Baron Silas Greenback), but see if you can guess which movie this image is from…

“He’s the ace,
He’s amazing,
He’s the strongest, he’s the quickest, he’s the best.
Richy C….

He’s terrific,
He’s magnific,
He’s the greatest secret blogger in the world,
Richy C…”
A: Forrest Gump [Order from] amazoncom:B00003CXA2 . Correctly guessed by Shaun