“Mom, Guess That Movie round 53 was Young Frankenstein
amazoncom:6305168857″, “A certain Mommy knows that Kymberlie R. McGuire is going to be getting an extra 100 points for that”.
Don’t ask 😉 But Kymberlie managed to walk away with 100 points again for last round, and once this round has been guessed I’ll tot up the scores again but I’m sure she’s entitled to another Amazon gift voucher again.
In the mean time, take a look at round 54. You don’t have to play it, but if you do you could win up to 100 points. You still have to give at least three items of information: your name or alias for the audience, your email address for your friend Richy to be able to award you any prizes and your 50/50 guess of the name of the movie (50/50 as it’s either going to be right or wrong). Are you absolutely sure that’s your guess? Then leave it a comment: but if I catch any awaiting contestants coughing then I’ll be sending an Army Major and a lecturer around… It’s still faster finger first though!
(And you thought my ramblings couldn’t get any stranger 🙂 )
A: The Graduate. amazoncom:B00000K0DS . Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire
I’m guessing Speed.
You’re guessing wrong then 😀 Sorry Neil.
I reckon The Matrix… my reasoning being that someone is wearing sunglasses!
A guy can’t where glasses now without them being a Matrix character? Remind me to dig out my black leather trenchcoat, black sun glasses and hang around movie studios 😀
But, sorry, it isn’t The Matrix.
Not sure, but how about Renaissance Man?
Nope, this is quite an old movie compared to the 1994 film Renaissance Man (couple of decades at least).
Here’s another clue: None of main actors are pictured in the screenshot as it’s taken from their perspective: and the most famous “screenshot” of all of this movie (it’s actually the poster image) doesn’t actually show the leading lady in it but rather a body double (a then unknown model)…
Uhh… Working Girl?
I do not know that working girl and that picture of her and me in an intimate position is a complete forgery and anyone that says otherwise may be sued.
Oh, erm, uhhh.. (blush) 😉 You meant the _film_ “Working Girl” didn’t you. It’s not that film either 🙂
I’ll take a guess at “Midnight Cowboy”.
Ah, just read the clue – it’s not Midnight Cowbay then.
Ah, just read the clue – it’s not Midnight Cowboy then.
Ah. Since you cancelled your guess before I had a chance to say if it was right or wrong, I’m going to let you know either way.
How about this additional clue: this screenshot was taken near the very end of the movie in question and a few minutes before hand is a very memorable scene: even if you haven’t seen the movie (as the same scene has been ‘covered’ in other movies, TV series and even in adverts!). Come on, you don’t need to have a university degree to guess it 🙂
The Graduate.
Aargh…she’s right isn’t she?
Yes she is 😀 Well done Kymberlie 🙂