Here is a list of bullet points to keep in mind when running advertisements on Google Adwords:
* Each campaign should be very specific (“cpanel web hosting”)
* Use of the exact match [keyword] system will target specific keywords entered on their own
* Set up separate campaign for EACH country (try not to group countries)
* Multiple campaigns/adgroups with keyword specific ads and budget
* Upper casing the first letter of each Adword is recommend
* Using exclamation marks at end of adwords is good
* Use {KeyWord: Default text} to generate headlines
* Create variant adverts – sometimes with minor differences
* Try and keep the number of keywords per adgroup low: Google suggest 5 good keywords, maximum of 15 keywords per adgroup
* The Display URL can be “faked” (i.e. doesn’t really exist): for example
* Use “Keywords->See search terms” to see exactly which search terms were triggered in that adgroup
* Make sure negative keywords such as “free”, “jobs”, “careers” etc are set if not relevant
* On negative keywords, DON’T do things such as “free web hosting” as it will negatively match “web” AND “hosting”! If you need to block that specific, use [free web hosting]
* Use separate campaigns for display network with each adgroup targeting specific types of sties and each separate budgets
* If targeting generic words such as “web hosting use a separate campaign with separate budgets
* Recommend setting up Ad Extensions using Sitelinks. Possibly including telephone numbers and/or product images (although this would need us to add “products” to Google Merchant Centre with fixed pricing: so may not be relevant).