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Category: Net: Techy: PHP

Posts about the PHP programming language

Techy: Background Processes In PHP

From What You’re Doing Is Rather Desperate is a very nice way of running a background task in PHP. I’ve implemented compression of a .tar file in the following method using this code:

$ps=runinbackground("gzip -v $tarfile -c 1> ".$tmp."download.tar.gz 2>".$tmp."download.tar.log");
while (isprocessrunning($ps)) {
if ($count>8) { $count=0; }
function runinbackground($command) {
$command="nohup $command & echo $!";
return ($PID);
function isprocessrunning($PID) {
exec("ps $PID",$processstate);

I can then monitor (within the loop) the download.tar.log file if necessary. Hope it helps someone else.