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Tag: zend_dojo_form_element_submitbutton

PHP: Zend_Dojo_Form SubmitButton not showing

In version 1.7.0 of the Zend Framework, specifically the Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_SubmitButton class (which makes the Zend_Form use the Dojo Javascript library), there is a small bug which prevents the label section of the Submit button being shown.

To work around this, just add something like:
$eElement->setDijitParam(‘label’,’Submit label’);
to work around the issue.

This is a known issue in the Zend Framework and will be fixed in the next release… If, however, like me you have spent a good hour or so trying to find out why your implementation doesn’t work and other demonstrations on the internet do, well now you should be able to find out why!