It seems I’ve managed to influence Gretchen Pirillo (whose husband Chris runs LockerGnome and who appears on the USA TechTv show Call For Help) on which books to read. She asked for suggestions, and I suggested she read some of Robin Cook‘s books: and she got “Abduction” from the library. Yea me! (even though I haven’t got that particular book). Now I’ve just got to get her to link to my blog like Neil/totalxsive has somehow made Chris… 🙂 Oh – I do read all three of their blogs anyway so…
Just for the record, the Robin Cook books I have got are as follows: “Acceptable Risk“, “Blindsight“, “Brain“, “Chromosome 6“, “Coma“, “Contagion“, “Fatal Cure“, “Godplayer“, “Harmful Intent“, “Invasion“, “Mind Bend“, “Mortal Fear“, “Mutation” and “Vital Signs” and I’ve also got “Sphinx” and “Vector” on order – so if anybody was thinking of getting me any of those for Christmas, DON’T – get me another book or something (hint hint) 🙂