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Month: December 2002

Game: All Look The Same?

[All Look The Same]I’m aware of a long standing “joke” that all Chinese, Japanese and Korean people look the same. But how alike are they really?

Well, know you can find out thanks to All Look Same (and just try not to say that in an Chinese or Japanese fake accent: especially when an entry on the page starts with “Gleetings” – sorry, “Greetings”). Just pop over there and then entry the All Look Same Competition (you only need to give a username/identifier, age, country and gender: don’t bother with your email address) and you’ll be able to “guess the race” of 18 people.

I only got 3 right.

Movies: Films I’d like to see again

[The Worst Aphyx]I’ve just been speaking to my GESF (Green-Eyed Southern Friend) again – we’ve spoken quite a number of times this week in fact, but due to some potential confusion over what was said earlier in the week I decided not to write anything down as I might have been thinking the wrong thing and “jumping the gun”.

Anyway, as we were finishing the conversation, I promised that I’d send her the link to the Naked Quidditch Match, but she complained that she had no idea what Quidditch was as she hadn’t read any of the Harry Potter books as she thought it was just a blatant rip-off of Jill Murphy‘s “Worst Witch” books (and film and, more recently, the TV series).

That then started me thinking which films (that I haven’t already got) I would really like to see again. Ok, it’s now getting a little bit late for Christmas and some of them are “really oldies” or didn’t “take off” in a big way – but this is my blog and I wanna blog about these so there 🙂 I’ll just do two for tonight and two another night…

So: Why do I want to see “The Worst Witch” and “The Asphyx”?

Weird: Origami Boulder

[Origiami Boulder]Are you looking for an unusual present to get someone this Christmas? Well, how about something that combines the Japanese craft of Origami, the simplicity of a piece of paper and the conceptual masterpiece and design of a boulder/rock? Yep – you can know own (for the low cost price of just $10) your own Wadded Paper Origami Boulder – for an extra $5 you can also get it with a Haiku poem.

As the artist says: “This very nice artwork that come with card and make good gift for your friend. Your friend never forget you when you send fine art gift like this! I am famous Internet artist, so original wadded paper origami art become VERY VALUABLE some day. Especially haiku version, because it is double artwork.”.

Hmm – what a shame my Christmas shopping is nearly complete: I doubt they would have been able to ship it to me in time anyway…

Game: Lost Your Marbles?

[Lost your Marbles?]It’s been a long and trying year for me (so no change from usual!), in fact some bits have been so stressful and strange, that I keep on thinking that perhaps, just maybe, I have lost my marbles and I’ll start saying flibblepenguin at the end of every other paragraph…

At least I can know fight back! Using my mouse (and my spacebar to speed up the Flash game), I can now find my marbles. The first level is quite easy, but they soon get more difficult – as you’ve got a moving maze and a ‘person’ that doesn’t quite do what you want them to do – you soon loose lives if you continue to hit the walls. I’ve managed to score 6280 (level 4: The Vault) so far – can you do any better? Flibblepenguin!