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Month: January 2003

Personal: Did I anger the Internet Gods?

[Patron Saint Of The Internet]I think I must have angered the Internet Gods yesterday some how. I got back from work and, as is my habit, instantly came upstairs to check my email. I’ve actually got my various email accounts spread out on 6 servers – 2 are for work-related email (i.e. I was ‘given’ the addresses by my employer), 1 is my Hotmail account, 1 is my Yahoo account and then I’ve got my two “main” accounts. One is hosted on my main ADSL dialup ISP and the other on my dedicated server which runs my website. Anyway, I got home and went to check my email – ping, ping, bang. My ISPs mail server was suffering overloading/technical issues and I was unable to pick up my mail v ia POP3. They eventually acknowledged the problem at 9.30pm, but didn’t get the hardware failure fixed until 2.30pm today. So, I was without my major email practically all day (I had over 600 waiting for me when I collected it today).

Ok, so I can just cope with my own mail server, ok I may be missing out on some emails sent to my ISP hosted domain but I’ve still got two way email access. Or so I thought. Come 1.30am in the morning (don’t ask!), the server is suddenly unreachable. I’m unable to access my email, my main website or my blog. I run a few tests and find out they’ve had a router failure. I send them an email via my Hotmail account and then decide what to do. The router was down for 419 minutes according to my log files – that means my web server was unavailable for nearly 7 hours 🙁

Guess That Movie: X: Monster’s Inc

[Guess That Movie Round 10]Congratulations to Super Beastmaster for recognising Julia Roberts in the 2001 remake of Oceans Eleven [Order from] .

Here’s the new image – you know what to do! Just leave a comment with your guess (one guess per comment please and don’t leave multiple comments in a row with your own guesses – let others have a go). The comment system isn’t just about the guesses though – if you’ve got an idea or something (“hey – how about blurring the next picture?” ) then feel free to post it. I’ll try not to be too stringent about what is a guess though – “Did you see film XY or Z last week” won’t be interpreted as a guess, but “It looks like that sexy man Richy C. in Y, but I’m not sure” will be a guess.

A: Monsters, Inc.. Correct guessed by Super Beastmaster.

Guess That Movie: Scores So Far

Well, how are people doing with the Guess That Movie game then? I’ve now put up a high score table so you can see how you are doing against others. At the moment Ph33r_m3 is winning but is LD is less than 100 points behind…

The collage of images with this entry shows all the pictures so far in the Guess That Movie competition – some easy, some hard and some just plain deceptive. Unlike the ‘normal’ GTM posts – you can actually click on this one to get a close up of the screen shot images.

Over the weekend there will be a few minor changes to the Guess That Movie game. I’m going to “branch it out” from my blog and make it an independent site. I’ve registered the domain name, already updated some of the entry details (you might have noticed the images disappearing and then reappearing for a few minutes – that was me renaming the files and then updating the blog database) and I’ve just got to come up with a nifty design of the site. Any ideas/suggestions? It’ll probably be powered by MovableType – mainly as it’s installed on my server and it has managed to do the job of running Guess That Movie up to now with excellence. Maybe if there was a way of doing the high score table in it…Hmm…

Depending on how popular the site gets, I may be looking for people to contribute screenshots – I captured an extra half dozen earlier this morning and I’ve still got around 70 movies I can take images from, but the more variance the better as it’ll make them harder to guess. Of course, I could also be looking for people willing to say “Yep, thats the movie”, “Nope – guess again”. If you are interested in these roles, just leave a comment and I’ll try and get back to you after the switchover.

Anyway, on with the competition…. Don’t forget there’s a prize once you break through the 500 point mark (I will try and update the high score chart as often as I can – but don’t expect it to be any often than once every 24 hours: I have got other things to do you know!).

Snippet: Going for food…

*snippet* Well, it’s certainly been a day for “Guess That Movie”. 4 images have been guessed today. Unfortunately, I haven’t eaten all day and I’m going to have to have a pizza now: this means no more posts until Midnight at least (one hours time) when I’ll be back with the “Guess That Movie” high score chart, a new image and something non-movie related.

In the meantime, I’m interested in how all you new (and not so new) guessers found my little piece of blogsphere: lettme know by leaving a comment…

Guess That Movie: IX: Ocean’s Eleven

[Guess That Movie Take 9]The previous “Guess That Movie” image was of when Basil Exposition (played by Michael York) was programming Austin Power’s Pimpmobile to travel back in time to 1975 so he could rescue his Dad – Nigel Powers (Michael Caine) – who had been kidnapped by the owner of Club 69 – Goldmember – as part of Dr.Evil’s plan (Austin, Goldmember and Dr.Evil all played by Mike Myers. Oh – LD (welcome back!) was the correct guesser by realising it was from Austin Powers 3 – Goldmember [Order from] . Most people fell for my “Back To The Future” set up – but if you had paid attention to that excellent series, you would have realised that the DeLorean shows the entire date and time on the display and it also shows “Previous, Current, Destination” times in three rows with the describing text to the left of the time display and not on top. Yep, I’m evil – so sue me 🙂

I’ve decided that once this image has been guessed I’ll try and construct the high score table – so allow at least an hour between me saying “Yep, guessed correctly” in the comments and the next image.

To enter, just leave a comment with your guess. The comment system isn’t just about the guesses though – if you’ve got an idea or something (“hey – how about blurring the next picture?” 🙂 ) then feel free to post it. I’ll try not to be too stringent about what is a guess though – “Did you see film XY or Z last week” won’t be interpreted as a guess, but “It looks like that sexy man Richy C. in Y, but I’m not sure” will be a guess.

Why the “what’s a guess” bit? Well, my money is at stake!

A: Ocean’s Eleven. Correctly guessed by Super Beastmaster.