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Day: 25 July 2003

Personal: Cat Must Love Me

Cat PresentAhhh, my puss cat must love me. Why else would she bring me a little present when I was relaxing and watching Big Brother last night. What a shame it was a LIVE mouse: but t’was a nice thought.

Actually, she walked in the back door – through the kitchen – with the mouse in her mouth. She then tried to go upstairs (but the door was shut) and then released the mouse and started “play chasing” with it: let it run a bit, catch it, swat it, wait for it to run and repeat. As soon as I realised what she was doing, I had to distract her whilst I got the mouse trapped in a container – then call Smokey for her dinner whilst I carefully slid some cardboard under the container so I could release the tiny brown mouse. It didn’t look hurt, but when Smokey was chasing it it would try and jump up around 6inches! However, it didn’t seem to look or act scared – it seemed resigned to just being a cat plaything.

Now if only Smokey just wouldn’t ignore all the proper toys I’ve got her…. Darn cats!

Guess That Movie: Scores So Far VI

Well, another round of images has graced us by, and things have begun to heat a little bit up on the Guess That Movie high score table. Kymberlie is still in the lead (and I now owe her £8.30 worth of Amazon gift vouchers: she’s gained an extra 830 points on top of the 1610 she’s already won!) – however, Angrad is getting quite close to being able to claim a prize as well. He’s got 395 points (two hundred for correctly recognising Murder By Death and Village Of the Damned and another 95 points for being the second person to guess at Aliens).

I was surprised at one point though – nobody managed to recognise SouthPark: Bigger Longer and Uncut within the time limit (i.e. all the points ran out due to time, even after I added a 48 hour extension worth 200 points!).

Anyway – I’ll drop Kymberlie an email tomorrow to let her know she’s won a prize (even though she’ll already know if she’s reading this) – and at the same time get the next image uploaded. I’m currently out of captured movie images so I’m going to have to get those screen shots grabbed again!

Congratulations all!