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Category: Life: Personal

Personal: Tiredness and Valentines

Dancing SaddamWhy have I been so tired recently? For example: I got home from work today, came upstairs and checked my email and then thought I’d have “10 minutes rest” on my bed whilst watching next month’s episode of South Park (that’s number 704 – Cancelled) and within 30 minutes of me getting home from work I was fast asleep 🙁 5 hours later I woke up and I’m already beginning to feel like I’m fit for bed again… Plus my legs absolutely ache which isn’t good. I’ve actually been worried about my legs for a while now as my feet seem to have been “pointing outwards” a lot more than usual and been hurting a lot – but it’s just one of those minor things I didn’t think it was worth bothering the doctors with, but I might have to see if I can get a referral to a chiropodist just to try and alleviate the pain a bit (it’s more a “numbing” pain and sudden cramps) – I’ll probably have to get some “insole corrector” thingys to put in my shoes to correct my walking posture… Yep – I’ve got weird legs. Saying that, it could just be how I sit – the chair I’ve got at home at my computer desk is around 3 years old and isn’t too comfy – I seem to get cramp in my legs after half an hour or so sitting on it – maybe a new chair is in order…

Oh – I spoke to my GESF for the first time in 1.5weeks yesterday and we had a bit to talk about: some was quite funny, but we did find out we had the same viewpoint concerning the current crisis in Iraqi (yep, like all bloggers, I had to get a mention of it in my blog somewhere) – I’m not publicly stating my stance on whether I think the war is right or wrong etc – but my GESF and I do agree on practically every issue. Oh – and whilst we were talking, the subject came up regarding her mystery valentines card – I’m still the “prime suspect” at the moment, but then I moaned “well, you were lucky to get one – I’m still waiting for mine” and she remarked that perhaps, if I had sent her a Valentines card, she would have sent me one… So I’ve agreed to send her a belated Valentines card (deity knows where I’ll get one from though – 1.5months after the event!): what it means, I’m not sure – did she want a Valentines Card from me? Does she really like me more than I suspected, or am I just being overly hopeful again?

Whilst on the subject of being overly hopeful, I did get a little surprise today – my boss is going to be giving me a bonus this month for all my hard work and commitment to work (well, I agree that I am probably should be committed but;) ), it’s come as a very nice surprise and I did thank him for it – but I’m not 100% convinced I’ve actually done something to make it worth while giving me a bonus. Admittedly, I have come up with a few ideas and stuff – but nothing sensational or that really saves/makes us money (whereas he’s come up with new products that we now sell for around 100% profit!), but… Oh well, if he thinks I’m worth it, then who am I to argue? 😉 I will have to actually do something that really makes a mark though, but it’s just where and how – there’s lots of room for improvement in our workflow – but I just haven’t got the time at the moment to even sketch out what’s required let alone implement it.

I’m also think of asking somebody out for a date/meal/movie this week, but I’m not sure if a) I’ve got the guts (that’s confidence for all you non-slang speakers) and b) if she’ll agree… I need to think about this…

Personal: Not going clubbing

[Not clubbing]Yesterday, because it was one of my co-workers quarter-of-a-century birthday (yep, she’s 25) we finished work early and went down the pub for a few pints. We had a good laugh and talks – everything from what our boss has got planned for the future (he’s a damn fine businessman with a lotta good ideas!), to what my co-worker (who I’m now going to refer to as MSSC – my sweet shy co-worker as she is!) had planned for last night (a meal out with family) and what my new co-worker (BRCW: bike riding co-worker as that’s how she gets to work) thinks of her new job, to my idea of a new source of power (I didn’t go into too much detail, because if it is feasible, which I doubt actually, it will practically make me a millionaire overnight) etc etc: good laughs all round really.

We went for 1 pint each because MSSC had to catch a lift home at our “normal” finishing time, but we didn’t leave the pub until around 2.5hours later! I already think that I’ve talked with BRCW more than MSSC despite her only working with us for a week now: they are both very sweet and nice, but BRCW’s got a boyfriend (and, co-incidentally, last year worked for around 4 months at my local Jacksons corner-shop along with having worked for Samworth Brothers who I used to work for as well at one point) and MSSC just seems happy to study and I don’t think it helps with us both being sortof shy and quiet.

No, don’t get me wrong, I’m not deliberately saying that I want to go out with either of them (although we all do seem to get on extremely well together and it could just be a case of getting to know each other a ‘little better’), but I’m just not ruling it out. Things between my GESF (green-eyed southern friend) are still going alright, but I think we’ll just be friends over the long term – we get on extremely well, but we’re just too far apart and involved in work and other stuff for things to spark. Story of my life really: Lots of female friends, but I’m single. Oh well, such is life! Saying that, I’ve always got on with women better than blokes (whilst I would class ciaran, Neil and a few other male ODP editors as friends, I’m not able to say that they are ‘proper proper friends’) so perhaps it’s to be expected…

Work: Accents or, if you prefer, Acoints

[Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce bottle]Well work was a bit, loike, strange tawday. First o’ awl, my woikemate weren’t able twa make it in tawday coze she’s ill loike (so I had taw get someone else taw open t’door) and then everything went alright loike – just extremely busy coze I had taw dau taw peaples jobs tawday. Then I hoid a call for technickle support and the person thaught he recogniced me voice – he’s from Worcester and I had worked in the Bloick Countray for around taw years, but I’m soure I ain’t poicked up the accent have I?

Ok, it’s a LOT harder to type in a Black Country accent then to speak it but I’m sure I haven’t picked up the accent: although it has been a “standing joke” with my GESF that I have got a Brummie (Birmingham) accent. Birmingham is around 45 miles away and the “Black Country” (so called because of the amount of coal mining that used to take place in the area) is around 55 miles away. I did ask my new work colleague (she started on Monday) and she doesn’t think I have a Brummie accent but…*shrug* Some people do even manage to pick up on my Mum’s accent and she only lived in her birth country for around 7 years!

After I managed to clear some of my work backlog (still got at least 4 sites to search engine optimise tomorrow, a review of a major clients site and probably some account setting up to do for hosting clients: along with celebrating one of my other co-worker’s birthday) and 5 minutes after I should finish (I’m tending to do around 30 minutes unpaid overtime a day at the moment) we get a telephone call….

Personal: Why the blogging absence?

[H4xoor Roolz]So why have I been away from the blogging world for a week? (and, nope, the image to this post – which you CAN click on to enlarge – has got nothing to do with this post).

A combination of things really. For those of you who don’t know me too well, apart from working as a search engine optimiser, I also run my own small business (which does make a profit, but not enough to cover my mortgage and other large bills: when I was “unemployed” I was managing off the income from my small business and the paltry £42.70 income support I was getting managed to keep me going for around 6 months) and I’m a bit of a media personality (hey, let’s face it, not many people have met me and been able to forget moi 😀 ). I’ve been in several news stand magazines, newspapers, on local radio, across the internet and on national television to name just a few sources that I’m aware of – but last Thursday a picture was published in a newspaper (which I won’t name here) that I wasn’t aware even existed. It showed somebody who I had met only once in my live, one person I know really well and a number of other people who I don’t believe I’ve ever met. I therefore thought it might be a bit prudent to keep a low profile for a few days (and, no, I won’t discuss the photo or anything)…

Personal: Media Attention

Please note: further to the photograph of my family that was published in the media on Thursday, I have no comment to make.

All media correspondence regarding myself or Beebware MUST be directed to the press department of Beebware International whose contact details can be found on the main Beebware site. Any requests for further television or media interviews will be ignored unless they are sent, in writing, to the Beebware Press department. Telephone calls WILL be ignored.

(everybody else who is wonder ‘what on earth?’: don’t worry about it, normal blogging will be resumed shortly)