I’ve just posted the following on my “other journal” at Slashdot to try and help any ‘fans’ of my journal/blog (if any 🙂 ) to this new site.
Hmm, I’ve installed Movable Type on my new “blog site” at blog.rac.me.uk (possibly a temporary URL, I haven’t decided yet) and I’m just running it to see if it gives me the additional ‘flexibility’ that Slashdot doesn’t. I’ve added a couple of modules to it so that I can actually have smilies in my posts easily (I’m quite fond of the little critters 🙂 ) and various other things – but we’ll see how things go. It’s only been a week since I installed it (and a day since I got around to getting fr’isk PerlMagick/ImageMagick properly installed), but you don’t know until you try.
At the moment, it’s mainly got mumblings about Distributed Proofreaders (recently on Slashdot), the ODP Mozzie Awards and just a small continuation of my previous journal entry (i.e. still no word from Kim – I’ve got no idea who she is).
Oh, and I haven’t really had a chance to play with the site design yet (it’s practically running in ‘default design’ state): but if all goes well, then I’ll instigate a nice look to it as soon as I’ve finished a couple of other site redesigns I’m working on.
Comments/criticism/ideas welcome (either via here or via the new blog). If everything is alright (and, more importantly, I’m happy with it), then I may think of offering ‘free blogs’ to a couple of my Slashdot friends (particularly one with the initials ‘NW’ who has, in some strange way, been ‘helpful’ 🙂 ).