First off, congratulations and welcome to Christina Mullin for correctly recognising that the Guess That Movie competition film screenshot for round 67 was, indeed, the film The Worst Witch starring Fairuza Balk as Mildred Hubble (Fairuza played Dorothy Gale in Return To Oz and more recently Nancy Downs in the film The Craft).
Anyway – here’s image 68 – take a guess and let me know which movie/film you think the screen shot has been taken from – and here’s me being generous again – there’s a connection between the previous Guess That Movie image and this one…
For those of you who are new, read on for the details of the competition and the prizes you could win – otherwise, just make your guess by leaving a comment with your name (or alias), email address (real one please: only I can see them anyway and I hate spam), web site address (totally optional) and the name of the movie you are guessing at.
A: Charlies Angels. Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire