According to the Quizilla What kind of Sixties Person are you?, I am:
You are a Playboy. You perv.
. Well, maybe in my dreams…
At least it’s better then Neil’s Go Go Girl!
Random ramblings and ravings of Richy B
According to the Quizilla What kind of Sixties Person are you?, I am:
You are a Playboy. You perv.
. Well, maybe in my dreams…
At least it’s better then Neil’s Go Go Girl!
I’ve just read the BBC News article Phone tones ‘to beat CD singles’ that mobile phone ringtones are expected to be more profitable then record single sales, but for pricing for “mobile phone rings – as are other popular tunes such as TV themes – for between £1.50 and £3.50” – I’m not too surprised!
I can remember when you used to get mobile phone ringtones for free: but I know a little “hack” to still get them for free: It’s called a) Infrared transmitter (included in most laptops, but you can buy a USB infrared transmitter from somewhere like Maplin – just like I did), b) a copy of Nokia’s PC Suite and c) Google.
Ok – it also counts on your phone or your friends mobile phone being infrared compatible: but if not, you’ll have to just buy an appropriate data cable from somewhere such as Carphone Warehouse.
Alright, own up – who erased my memory so that I knew nothing about the Google calculator function until jake at Utterly Boring blogged about it? To think, I won’t have to drop to the command line at work and do
perl -e "print 6*7
when I want to do quick sums anymore (yes, yes, Windows has a calc.exe function – but I just don’t like it for a reason I’m unable to explain to myself).
And there I was thinking that Google News Alerts was the latest thing to be offered by “the big G” (whose anti site Google Watch now has a watch site of it’s own Google Watch Watch [as spotted by Neil]).
Wow! We’ve just had our second unguessed film here at Guess That Movie – nobody was able to recognise the 1992 film In the Eyes of a Stranger (IMDB/ amazoncom:B0000065NM ). Am I making them too hard or something?
Well – let’s move on to image 66 and see if you have any more luck: I’m going to have to ask for either the directors name or the year this movie was released (along with the title) as there are quite a few movies available with the same name as this film.
For those who are new here, basically Guess That Movie (GTM) is a little competition where you have “simply” just got to recognise which movie the screen shot on the left has been taken from. I say “simply” as sometimes, it’s not quite obvious which movie it is (yes, the screenshot has been cropped and resized – but I’ve done nothing else to it).
Why bother guessing? Well, there are prizes to be won! Yep – prizes for a “free to enter competition” (well, I get a little kick back from the Google Adsense adverts at the top of each page which is just covering the prize fund: otherwise it comes out of my back pocket). What’s the prizes? At the moment, they are Amazon gift vouchers (for your local Amazon store in your local currency), but I’m open to suggestions.
What’s the value of the FREE to win Amazon gift vouchers? Well, it just depends on how quickly and accurately the image is guessed. As soon as I post each image, it’s worth 100 points and each 100points=£1 (roughly US$1.62 or 1.40EUR). However, each wrong guess brings the value down by 5 points and the value decreases over time. After 12 hours, it’s worth 10 points less – 12 hours after that and another 10 points are knocked off, and then 10 points for every 24 hours after that. Oh – and you can only claim a prize once you’ve collected 500 points.
Go on, have a go and Guess That Movie!
A: Pyscho (1998). Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire
This morning, when I was getting ready for work and had my “schedule to keep to” I discovered a big (6″ across) spider in the bath tub. So I had to flush that down the plug hole before I could have my shower (and I swear the spiders around here are learning to walk on water – this one just looked like those little fly things you study in school when covering water tension in science). After I got rid of it, I got in my bath/shower to have my shower and I knew I had to make it quick to keep to my carefully worked out schedule (corresponding with the bus time tables etc).
Got in the shower, turned it on and turned it up a bit. Turned it up a bit more as it was really cold. It was on Max! Check the power to it (turned on). Turn the whole thing off and on again. No go. Turn it off. Notice water dripping from the unit and decide it’ll be quicker and easier to have a “jug wash” (use jugs of water as a shower).
When I got home, I had a look inside the shower until and it looks like the pump type thing has burst (basically water is coming out where it shouldn’t be – right next to the electrical cables – and it looks to be the pump/water heater unit: but I’m no plumber). I’ve now “made safe” the shower unit (power off and power cable put in place where it can’t be accidentally turned on) and it looks like I may have to get a new shower unit. Drat.
Pop down stairs to grab a drink, and the kitchen light is on the blink (a week after I had to replace the bulb in the bathroom). Why is it everything starts failing at once?
And anything thing whilst I’m at it? Who came up with the idea of an electric shower? “Hmm, how about we put high voltage electricity in the very very close vicinity of a naked wet human?” – I bet the initial reaction was a bit like the bloke who invented the submarine. “Here’s your new boat, Mr.Navy Commander sir – it’s designed to go underwater”. “You mean you’ve specially designed a boat that SINKS?” “Erm, yes…”