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Richy's Random Ramblings

Net: Code Snippets for web designers

Another quick snippet for today as I’m quite busy – in fact take 25 code snippets for web designers (including Bubble Tool Tips, Box Overs, Ajax Star rating bar, CSS Star Rating Redux, Ajax Contact Form, an online form creation utility called Wufoo, Pretty Accessible Forms, Radio and Checkbox customisations, a text renderer thingy, revised image replacement, the obligatory CSS rounded corners, cool looking CSS Speech Bubbles, even more rounded corners, vertical bar graphs just using CSS and PHP (and another method), a hover light box, Lightbox JS, CSS Image Maps, CSS Image Pop-up, Sliding Doors CSS Navigation tabs, taming lists, a design experiement in the art of navigation, navigation matrix reloaded, light weight css tabs and accessible image tab roll overs.

Phew – so much for this being a snippet on its own!

Net: Top Ten Grammar Mistakes

Scribed> has a list of 10 grammar mistakes whot can make you stupid look. 😉

They include: “I always loose lose the key”, “Download it’s its readme file” and “the laptop is overheating and its it’s making that funny noise again”, “managers are in they’re their weekly planning meeting” whilst “the techs have to hand in there their phones at the door and their they’re not happy about it”.

It also covers things like the difference between i.e. and e.g. (i.e., the difference being that i.e. stands for ‘that is’ and ‘e.g.’ is for example) and my personal bug-bearer where “this problem shouldn’t effect affect any users” (but it shouldn’t have any effect on them) .

Funny: Cat Like Typing Detected

Cat Like Typing DetectedFrom the folks over at I Can Has Cheezburger (which keeps my other half entertained for a good half hour or so each day), there’s a funny picture of a cat on a keyboard.

If you don’t quite get the joke, there’s actually a product on the market (and has been for some time) called “PawSense” which is meant to detect cats on the keyboard and then make a noise to frighten them away. Or you could just train your cat not to go on your desk….

Net: ….for $9 million dollars!

Wowsers – it appears the domain name has just sold for a Dr.Evilish nine million dollars! And by sounds of things, the new owner considers it a longer-term project and will just keep it parked with a domain name monetisation company.

I know from experience a slightly adultish domain name can easily pull in $20 per day – so this very high typable domain name will certainly bring in the money quick.