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Tag: smoky

Personal: Cute Cuddly Cat

SmokeyYep, that there’s a picture of my new pussy cat Smokey (or Smoky: I dunno what spelling it is). She’s around 3 years old and comes to me care of my parents (they had 4 cats: the grandmother Gizmo, her son Tigger and daughter Smokey and then then little tom cat Damien whose mother had to be put down after breaking her back trying to get through a window).

The reasons why I got Smokey are numerous. She’s been picked on by the other cats a bit recently (especially by her mother – Gizmo), she’s allergic to fleas and, whilst she has been treated for them, as soon as she gets rid of the fleas the other cats give her some more, plus I’ve been a bit lonely and just wanted some company.

She’s downstairs at the moment and I’m hoping she’ll get some sleep. I’ve had her now for around 6 hours (since my parents brought her round in a cat basket that she wasn’t too happy about being put into), but she’s still very nervous and frightened. At one point when I came through the living room door (which I had left purposely open for her to be able to investigate if she wanted), she did a little snarl/hiss at me until she recognised me.