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Tag: vacation

Personal: Holiday Photos Now Available

As some of you may be aware, in September last year, I treated myself to a 16 day holiday in Tokyo, Japan. I’ve just got round to uploading around 340 photos (230Mb!) to for viewing. Pictures are variable in quality and most don’t have descriptions at the moment (I’ll try and add them later on).

You’ll notice that the pictures start on “Day 5” – this is because when I went to Japan, I took my little Kodak EZ-200 camera with me: but by day 5 I had filled it up. However, whilst I had the cables and my laptop with me – I forgot to bring the drivers for the camera so I couldn’t download the photos! I had to buy a quite nice Ricoh Caplio RX 3.2Megapixels camera and use that. But when I got back to the UK, I found out the Kodak camera managed to somehow get corrupted! So the first 5 days photos of my first “own” holiday are now lost! It’s a double shame as on Day 2, I had a tour around Tokyo and took lots of good pictures 🙁

Personal: How to confuse Richy

To confuse me, let me go (in a drunken state) to a site such as to finalise holiday/vacation bookings. Since I’m going to Japan, select “Japan” from the Everywhere/Country drop down list. Get taken to I understand very little Japanese Kanji, so I select “English”, and since I’m looking for a place to stay in Japan, I select “Accommodation”. Only to be recommended cheap accommodation in London (UK), but priced in Japanese Yen…

Not quite what I was looking for…