Hmm, it seems to be a slow day for bloggers today – of all the 15 entries currently on my BlogRoll, only Ain’t Too Proud to Blog and Ciaran have updated their blogs today: and they were at 3.15am and 9.19am respectively. Com’on guys – it’s the weekend, give me something to read 🙂
Whilst I still have no idea who Kim is, I did speak to my green-eyed southern friend (GESF) for a bit which brightened up my day. We had a good laugh, but I didn’t appreciate her blowing a whistle down the phone line to me! Ouch! We couldn’t talk for long though as we were both in the midst of making dinner- but I’ve got to remember the 19th of December as I’m going to send her a birthday card, Christmas card (for her and her flatmate) and presents: but what exactly, I’m not sure….
Apart from that, my parent’s came round this morning for their fortnightly visit (getting me out of bed as per usual 🙁 ) – and apart from discussing Crimbo and them muttering that my house could be cleaner (yep, I’ve let it “go” a little bit: but I’m going to start really cleaning in the next few days when I get time) not much was said. I’ve just a list of 7 new DVDs to order from for them – thank goodness Amazon still have the “free delivery” offer on!
Oh – also went down the shop to try and grab some more chocolate, but they’ve ran out of the special offer stuff at the moment (it’s actually 200g bars for 85p), but I grabbed a few other bits and bobs whilst I was down there which is good.
And I’ve also found time to make a couple of minor modifications to my blog – the webcam now appears in a funky pop-up window, a thumbnail of the webcam appears on the front page (before it used to be just the “main” image resized – at around 50K, but now a little script generates a nice bandwidth-friendly 4K thumbnail), and I’m trying to put a little “icon” type image to the top-left of each blog entry to try and help break-up all the text. Any comments if people like/dislike this practise would be welcomed 🙂
Anyway – gotta go now, my big dinner is nearly ready (I’ve only had a Pot Noodle all day today so I’m hungry).
News: Damn Texan Prudes
She worked for a company called “Slumber Parties” and was transporting the “goods” as part of her business (holding “parties” at peoples houses where they could then buy the items in question). I just wonder if there is anything like that here in the UK, if so all the Ann Summers distributors better start getting worried….