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Snippet: Great Poll!

*snippet* Whilst linking to the two news articles for my previous entry, I noticed that at the bottom of the Leicester Mercury’s article about the fire there was the following poll question:

Take it – or leave it!
The newly-published Bain report suggests a raise of around 11% for firefighters, linked to heavy modernisation.
Should they take this or hang in for more?

The options? “Yes” or “No”.

So do you select “Yes they should take this” or “No they should take this” or “Yes they should hang in for more” or “No they should hang in for more”?

The votes at this point are 63% for “Yes” and 36% for “No” – do these people actually know what they have voted for – cause I ain’t got a clue!


  1. I just wanted to whine that I want you to sign up for Bloglet or another notification system so I can know as soon as you post and I can come guess the movies right away. 😉

  2. The “new” Guess That Movie system will have a notification system and “instantaneous” yes/no answers (although I might add a 30 minute delay into the system to try and prevent the same person trying over and over again the space of a few minutes)

  3. Kymberlie – Beebware already pings , so if you use a system that gets the most recently-updated blogs from there (such as Blogrolling), you can see when he updates.

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