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Techy: Nixstats And Cloudflare – Allowing IPs

What is NixStats?

I’m currently trying the NixStats (affiliate link) monitoring tool for servers and websites – mainly because it’s cheap (starts at $0/month for 5 monitors and 1 server, $9.95/month for 10 servers and 25 web monitors) and partially because it’s owned by WebPros. Not heard of WebPros? Me neither until I went digging and found out that not only do they now own NixStats but also cPanel Inc and Plesk (both “rivals” in the web hosting control panel world) – along with a few others(!)

The Problem – Cloudflare’s security being triggered

Anyway – one of the sites I am monitoring using Nixstats is under the Cloudflare system – and because of the frequent monitoring, it may “trip up” Cloudflare’s security features so I needed to “allow list” (aka “white list”) the IP addresses used by NixStats. Luckily, they do provide a list at and (I’ve got no idea how often these are updated though) – but you can’t simply import these into Cloudflare due to two issues:

  1. One of the IP addresses (in the first list) has a trailing tab character which Cloudflare just rejects as being an invalid IP address. Took me a while to find that!
  2. The IPv6 addresses are not in a format that Cloudflare accepts – they only accept CIDR’d IPv6 address on a /64 or smaller (and if you are not that techy, you are forgiven for not understanding that!).

The solution

So I’ve put together a downloadable CSV file listing all those IP addresses in the “correct format” for you to easily import into Cloudflare’s lists (Cloudflare don’t have an export option 🙁 ).

You can download the file from here but I give no guarantee of accuracy etc etc.

But where in Cloudflare do I use the file?

It’s a two stage operation – first you’ve got to create the list and then you’ve got to setup the firewall rules.

Creating the IP Address List in Cloudflare

  1. Log into your Cloudflare account and get onto the main account screen (i.e. where it lists your individual sites)
  2. On the left hand menu near the bottom, there is an option labelled “Manage Account” – expand that.
  3. Under “Manage Account”, select “Configurations”
  4. On the “Configurations” screen, select “Lists”
  5. Select “Create new list” (free Cloudflare accounts can only create a single list by the way)
  6. Create the list with a name such as “nixstats” and a “Content type” of “IP Addresses”
  7. Edit the list and select “Add items”
  8. Select “Upload CSV” and upload the CSV of IP addresses ,
  9. Click “Add to list” and it should load them into the list.

Setting Cloudflare to use the list

  1. Log into Cloudflare (or, if you are already logged in, click the Cloudflare logo in the top left to return to home)
  2. Select the account of the domain name you are monitoring
  3. In the left hand menu, expand “Security”
  4. Under “Security”, select “WAF” (Web Application Firewall)
  5. Under “Firewall rules” (free accounts get 5 active firewall rules), select “Create firewall rule”
  6. Set a “Rule name” of something like “nixstats”
  7. Under the “When incoming requests match…” heading use the following settings
    • Field: “IP Source Address”
    • Operator: “is in list”
    • Value: “nixstats” (i.e. the list you created above)
  8. Under “Then…” select “Allow”
  9. Click “Deploy firewall rule” and it should take affect.

You’ll need to do this for each account you are monitoring using nixstats.

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