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Category: Life: Books

Books: Big order

Well, I’ve just some of my Christmas Shopping on and it’s come to quite a bit! I’ve brought some of the stuff for myself (hey, I deserve to be treated 🙂 ), but…!

12 items at a total cost of £134.54! Wow!

Books: Distributed Proofreaders: 100 pages

Woo! I’ve just completed my 100th page for Distributed Proofreaders (see previous entry). 100 pages puts me in joint 236th position out of 3420 (I’m guessing quite a few people pick ‘100 pages’ as a good resting point). I’ve just been first-level proof reading “The Happy Adventurers” by Lydia Miller Middleton: ok, it’s a children’s book (about a time-travelling girl guide from the 30 pages of the first 60 I’ve read so far – unfortunately other people were working on the book at the same time so I didn’t get sequential pages). Oh, Sluggy Freelancer (a web comic strip about a freelance web designer, a deranged rabbit, a ferret, alien, ‘freelance bum’ and a few other things) is running a filler strip today. Drat. I was hoping the ‘Kitten II‘ strip would really get moving.

Books: Distributed Proofreaders

I came across Distributed Proofreaders via an article on Slashdot (although the article has now been replicated on Kuro5hin). Basically, it’s a group of volunteers (a bit like ODP) that “proof-read” books for Project Gutenberg (a site where you can download ‘out-of-copyright’ books). I’ve only been a member now for just over 24 hours, but I’m really enjoying it – and I’ve proof read 50 pages so far (rank 347 out of 3349).