According to the category description at the ODP,are “Geeks and Nerds, those misfits of society. Whatever your interest, be it coding, books, Role Playing or online gaming, there are sites out there to promote the geek lifestyle and reassure you that you aren’t alone, and you might just be cool too.“. Personally, I tend to think of Geeks and Nerds being people who really enjoying (and spend a lot of time) at computers out of choice.
Anyway, I picked a test at random out of the Geeks and Nerds Tests category – and now we’ll see if I am a Nerd via the Archie McPhee Nerd Test.
1: Own website+own domain name- yes, several times. 2: Have you ever taken Latin – no, because that option hasn’t been available to me, but I do like the Latin language and I’ve learnt a little bit of it and occasionally use it in conversation (especially on IRC). 3: In the UK, exchange ‘Radio Shack’ for Tandy (as that is it’s UK trading name) – or Maplins. 5: Do you use a computer for 4 hours or more everyday and has your computer time ever been ‘rationed’ – yep and yep.
My score? 529 (after losing 25 points as I did the test via a Windows machine) – my Nerd rating is 113.28%. So I’m more of a Nerd than Bill Gates and George W. Bush – but not as much as a Nerd as Dilbert.