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Category: Snippet

Snippet: Too Hot

It’s too hot to go to sleep, I’m too tired to attempt a 6th install of Debian Linux on Zaphod (with its shiny new 120Gb HD, new processor fan and 15m network cable to Ford), I’ve got programming work to do for work, but I’m too tired to even start reading Book 1 of the Harry Potter series (I finished Order Of The Phoenix earlier today and it was a bit of a disappointment: it could be so much shorter without most of the blurb, and there were no real surprises in it).

Oh – along with it being 11.50pm and being quite hot, it’s also raining, but my throat feels parched. I can’t win 🙁 Can somebody please sort the weather out for me please?

Change of subject: Does the word “Mardy” mean anything where you are? I’m asking as it means something here in Leicester (and, it appears, over most of the East Midlands), but my GESF had never heard of the word before (her flat mate, from London, knew what it meant though).

Snippet: Double Points on Guess That Movie

Guess That Movie 58Wow! Nobody managed to guess the current Guess That Movie image so for the next 48 hours I’m going to be awarding a massive 200 points to the first person to correctly recognise the screenshot.

It is NOT from:

  • Mad Max Beyond The Thunderdrome (or any of the Mad Max series)
  • Poltergeist (or any of its sequels)
  • Small Soldiers
  • Osmosis Jones (I’ve never heard of this film anyway!)
  • Spy Kids 2 (it’s not Spy Kids 1 either)

Ok: additional clues:

  • It’s a spin off of a TV series
  • There is some allegedly Latin spoken in this movie, but it isn’t real Latin
  • Liza Minelli, Brooke Shields, Barbra Streisand and Winona Ryder were NOT in this movie
  • The scene in the movie where this screen shot was taken from doesn’t really “look like” the rest of the movie

Have fun and have a guess!

Snippet: Make Mental Note

Note to self: Read Homer’s Odyssey (I’ve always wondered where the story of the wooden horse of Troy and the children’s TV series Ulysses originated) and then Macbeth and Hamlet.

Snippet: Server Downtime

*snippet* Just so everybody knows, the Beebware network of sites (which includes my personal blog) will be unavailable for 30-60 minutes today whilst server maintenance is carried out: so if you suddenly get “Could not reach server” errors, don’t worry – just have a cup of tea and a slice of toast and come back later.

The next Guess That Movie image won’t be up until the server maintenance is complete: so give it until around 1700 BST (1600 GMT)

Snippet: Email Access

*snippet* After 3 days, I’ve finally managed to get hold of my email box! I’ve been receiving around 2,000 spams per day to my main email box at my ISP and they are currently in the process of upgrading the mail system to add more load balancing capabilities: however, whilst the upgrade is going on, I’ve found it very hard to do a “spam clearout” (Mailwasher fetches the mail, but is unable to delete it until around 3 hours later). But I’ve now got access to my box and there are 185 emails awaiting my attention.

Luckily, I know that the majority of them are automated messages (server X has done this, “systems have been stable” etc), but there still is a number of messages I need to reply to (plus I’ve got a meeting with the bank manager tomorrow morning). Gimme until 3pmish British time tomorrow to catch up with thing please! 😉