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Category: Snippet

Snippet: When Coding…

When you are writing a template engine for a new site, and want to test a bit of logic: the following will fail:

{%if 1>2%}
Logic works

Why? Well, 1 is not greater than 2! Took me nearly 15 minutes to try and figure out why “Logic works” wasn’t showing – the logic was working, but my brain obversely wasn’t at that point!

Snippet: Homer – The Odyssey

Well, for a while now, I’ve been meaning to purchase the classic book “Odyssey” by Homer [Order from] but haven’t had the “umph” to really do anything about it. I know I could probably download it for free, but unless I’ve got a PDA (such as a Palm with a PDF reader) it just isn’t convenient to read.

However, I was in WH Smiths earlier today and just looking for a book – and I saw they had it available. Check the price on the back and it was £3.50 – quite pricey for an “out of copyright classic book” (I’ve picked up similar books for just £1). But I decided to buy it.

Got to the checkout, had the book scanned and the register said “Homer – Odyssey: £0.01”. Yep! ONE PENNY! The women on the register looked at the back of the book, looked at the cash register display, checked the front of the book and then said to me “Oh well, I just do what the machine says.”

What a massive saving – I’m planning on going in tomorrow and seeing if I can get Homer’s Illiad at the same price. I’m not sure if Odyssey was MEANT to be priced at 1p, but I’m not complaining 😉 If you’re after a copy yourself and fancy a “bit of a gamble” (as they may have corrected the price to £3.50 by the time you reach the store)…

Snippet: Blogging Posts: Full Throttle

Just a bit of advance warning for y’all: within the next 6 hours there will not only been another very long awaited “Guess That Movie” image BUT there will also be a movie review type thing AND a joke post AND (if I get time) a personal post!

Yep: I’m going to be blogging again 😉

Snippet: Boxy, Boxy, Boxy.

Yesss, it seems that Zaphod (my old PC: now equipped with a working fan and a 120Gb hard drive) is now running Debian Linux successfully (well, it’s just downloading the security updates as I type). Why the cheer? Well, yesterday’s installation didn’t quite work so I offer this advice: Despite what the Debian website suggests, ignore the net-install and jigdo installs and download a complete CD image from your local mirror. I just did and it was plain sailing!

Now I’ve just got to be sure I want to purchase a RedHat Linux webserver: the reason I’m installing Debian is so my server and a home/office machine is running the same OS, but there’s a chance I’m swapping the main Beebware webserver from Debian to RedHat (as I can get a cheaper hosting package if I go to another backbone provider). However, I’m happy with the level of service my current hosts have provided me with so it seems a bit “bad” for me just to be comparing prices and bandwidth allocations…

Seems I spoke too soon. The original 250Mb partition I made for Linux was too small, so I’ve had to start again from scratch (I’m giving it 750Mb to play with now). Fingers crossed. And I just hope it doesn’t, somehow, bring down my Windows XP box when it connects to the internet (for some reason, on occasions it has caused the network section of WinXP to go strange)