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Category: Snippet

Snippet: Great Poll!

*snippet* Whilst linking to the two news articles for my previous entry, I noticed that at the bottom of the Leicester Mercury’s article about the fire there was the following poll question:

Take it – or leave it!
The newly-published Bain report suggests a raise of around 11% for firefighters, linked to heavy modernisation.
Should they take this or hang in for more?

The options? “Yes” or “No”.

So do you select “Yes they should take this” or “No they should take this” or “Yes they should hang in for more” or “No they should hang in for more”?

The votes at this point are 63% for “Yes” and 36% for “No” – do these people actually know what they have voted for – cause I ain’t got a clue!

Snippet: Sleeping…

*snippet* Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday, I got home, checked my email and was fast asleep (still in my clothes) by 8pm! Woke up at 10pm in time for “Baddiel and Skinner Unplanned” (that I want to watch), but before it came on at 10.30pm, I had got properly ready for bed and fallen back asleep. Woke up again at 4.30am, asleep 10 minutes later. Finally at 7.30am, I’ve managed to drag myself out of bed on this cold and snowy day…

Snippet: Going for food…

*snippet* Well, it’s certainly been a day for “Guess That Movie”. 4 images have been guessed today. Unfortunately, I haven’t eaten all day and I’m going to have to have a pizza now: this means no more posts until Midnight at least (one hours time) when I’ll be back with the “Guess That Movie” high score chart, a new image and something non-movie related.

In the meantime, I’m interested in how all you new (and not so new) guessers found my little piece of blogsphere: lettme know by leaving a comment…

Snippet: Wow! 3 GTMs guessed in a row

*snippet* *shocked* I’m not sure how Ph33r_m3 did it, but he managed to correctly Guess The Movie three times in a row. I’m now out of “prepped pictures” and I’ll have to do a few more. Then I’ll blog a bit about the email problem that I had yesterday (which evolved into something scary) and then something else… Expect many posts soon – but whilst the blog entry creation work is being carried out, here is some music: Da da da dada, da da da, Da da dadada, Da da da, Da da da (hey – you try transcribing the old BBC‘s “transmission failure” background music!)