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Richy's Random Ramblings

Personal: Year In Review

[Year In Review]Neil’s post gave me the idea to do a ‘Year In Review’ summary, so here’s what 2002 presented me with:

  • A year truly living on my own (as my fiancee and I split up in Autumn the previous year therefore I’ve been mainly living on my own)
  • Got a brand new PC (complete with new printer and DVD drive) to replace my ageing StrongArm RISC PC
  • Got really “mentally” messed around by two women
  • Had a lodger, she stole a considerable amount of money from me, then she left without even paying any rent (I’m still trying to pursue this)
  • Been forced to purchase a dedicated server (from Positive Internet) as my other sites were generating too much traffic for a shared server option
  • Met quite a number of ODP editors in Birmingham and (a few weeks later on my birthday) met a few more in London.
  • Met my GESF after around 3 months chatting on the Internet (it was 2 months before we even spoke) and really enjoyed spending those 4 days with her
  • Lost my job and still haven’t managed to find a new one
  • Started a journal over at Slashdot, got fed up of the inflexibility of it and so installed Movable Type and started running my own weblog/blog
  • Received lots of spam (over 1,500 a day at one point)
  • and Sold my first things on Ebay and Amazon marketplace

Not the most exciting or “best” year (especially losing my job bit), but I suppose it could have been worse.

This coming year? Well, I’m still not sure if I’m going to go out and celebrate it or not (I’m still in my pyjamas/PJ’s and I’ve only nipped downstairs once to pick up the post) – hopefully I’ll also get a good local job (I’ve applied to a local company and I think I fit the job description perfectly, but I’ve got to wait to hear back), spend a lot more time with my GESF (if she wants to – see my Monday night ramblings for why I’m a little bit scared/uncertain), get the house and garden tidied up a bit more and just be happy. Well – that’s the plan…

Net: Words to Auld Lang Syne

In time for the New Years Celebrations, here’s the complete words of Auld Lang Syne as written by Robert Burns:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days of auld lang syne?

We twa hae run aboot the braes
And pu’d the gowans fine.
We’ve wandered mony a weary foot,
Sin’ auld lang syne.
Sin’ auld lang syne, my dear,
Sin’ auld lang syne,
We’ve wandered mony a weary foot,
Sin’ auld ang syne.

Joke: Realistic New Years Resolutions

[New Years]Keep breaking your New Years resolutions? Well, why don’t you make resolutions that you can keep and accomplish? Here’s a few to start you off:

  1. Gain weight. At least 30 pounds.
  2. Stop exercising, it’s a waste of time: you are going to die at somepoint anyway, so why not enjoy yourself?
  3. Read less. It makes you think.
  4. Watch more TV – haven’t you missed some good stuff on the goggle-box recently?
  5. Procrastinate more. Starting tomorrow. (Procrastinate means delay or postpone things I think – but I’ll check that next week)
  6. Not date any of the Baywatch/James Bond cast.
  7. Spend more time at work, surfing with the big internet connection.
  8. Take a holiday to someplace important: like, to see the largest ball of twine (it’s in Minnesota by the way).
  9. Not jump off a cliff just because everyone else did.
  10. Stop making packed-lunches at home to eat at work – you should eat out more.
  11. Not have eight children at once.
  12. Get in a whole NEW rut!
  13. Start being superstitious.
  14. Personal goal: bring back disco.
  15. Don’t dance with Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira at the same time
  16. Speak in a monotone voice and only use monosyllabicwords.
  17. Only wear jeans that are 2 sizes too small and use a chain or rope for a belt.

Game: SpamWars

[Spamwars]This game reminds me so much of real life. In SpamWars you control a gun and have got to stop the spam from reaching the keyboard by shooting at it. You’ve also got to try and aim at Sid the Spammer to try and kill him and stop him sending the stuff – as the levels progress he starts sending you viruii/viruses as well: not fun.

On seconds thoughts, it is a fun game – I scored 3,860 on my first go and 10,430 on my second. Once you get a machine gun or flame-thrower (yep, you can get “gun upgrades”) you can easily kill Sid straight away before he sends you any spam and get bonus points.

Personal: Monday Night

[Smash Critter][Originally posted at 04:07am, Revised at 05.30pm]
When I originally wrote this entry, I was slightly drunk, tired and just wanted to have a ramble – so read it if you want 🙂

Anyways, I’ve just been downstairs eating dinner: 800g (1.76lbs in “proper weights”) of Turkey breast joint, veggies (canned carrots, sweetcorn and peas), mashed potato (Smash instant mash to be exact) and gravy. Quite filling – even after I spilt a little over the sofa (trying to get the meat off the bone) oops!

It was the first “proper” meal I’ve had for nearly a week: I’ve been mainly “snacking” – I think the pizza I had on Sunday night was the largest meal since Crimbo day. But I suppose once all the chocolates have run out (already munched through a 400g/0.88lb box of Mars Maltesers, nearly finished a tub of 461g/1.02lb Cadbury’s Heroes and some Elizabeth Shaw chocolate mints).