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Richy's Random Ramblings

Weird: Animal “thingys”

I swear I’ll have to make a “Net: Just plain weird” category at this rate!

Please please don’t tell me that these people are serious about selling animal shaped dildos. And, no, I’m not talking about dildos that are actually shaped like an animal – but one’s that are shaped like animal’s..erm..erm..genitalia. Yep – that’s the word I was looking for! And they’ve been designed for “usage”… They’ve even got a dog knot one and a kangaroo one (at least the shape explains why Kangaroo’s keep on hoping). Thank goodness they don’t have a blue whale one (10ft long and 1ft in diameter!).

Spam: Nigerian Jerry Duruibe: Day 5

When I left my spammer friend Jerry yesterday, I was preparing for “my trip to New Zealand” but he’s still interested in having me assist him in claiming the money for my “relative” Albert Pilchard. Basically, this “instalment” (as it is beginning to seem a very poor soap opera) is just me sending off the “claim form” and us both trying to put pressure on each other to move things along a bit faster.

Personal: Too tired

Blarg! I was planning on actually going “out on the town” tonight, but since it’s now 10.15pm and I’m still in my dressing gown I think it’s doubtful that I’m going out now. To think, I was awake around 8am this morning after having a couple of slightly strange dreams (one about a possible horror movie theme and the other about a new lift/elevator design: don’t ask!), but after having pancakes for lunch I thought “Hmm, I’ll go out tonight and I may need my energy”. So I set the alarm on my phone for 4.30pm and went back to bed around 2.30pm: good two hours sleep so I thought.

Westlife - Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits
Well…then a friend sent me a couple of emails to one of my HotMail accounts – which sent an alert SMS text messages to my phone – briefly waking me up, and then my Mum called asking if I could add the Westlife – Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits album to my already large order. Now it’s 3pm so I decide to set my alarm for 5pm. I set it, double-check it (yep, “Alarm is set”, yep time is 5_pm_) and head back to dreamland. 9pm I wake up with no recollection of my phone alarm going off. Ooops!

Oh well, such is life I suppose. I’m not sure whether to continue writing some PHP code (I was considering watching Have I Got News For You, but it isn’t on tonight due to yesterday being Children In Need night), watch a video, read a book or just go back to bed… The plan for tomorrow is to tidy the house a bit, call my GESF, maybe call my ex-fiancee (I’ve heard she’s been asking about me) and prepare to go to Karaoke on Monday night (as it’s been nearly a fortnight since I got those flowers from “Kim” and I’ve heard nothing from her since and Monday night it, IMHO, my best chance of bumping into her).