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Tag: personal

Personal: You know you are getting old…

  • When Policeman start looking younger
  • You don’t remember being absentminded.
  • You have more patience; but actually, it’s just that you don’t care any more.
  • Your memory is shorter and your complaining is longer.
  • You look forward to a dull evening.
  • You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.
  • Your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio.
  • You begin every other sentence with, “Nowadays…”
  • A ‘late night’ now ends at 11 pm.
  • When the actor playing Doctor Who is younger than you


Personal: Where’s Richy?

Where's Richy?Right, despite rumours to the contrary – I’m not dead yet (sorry Super Beastmaster), unless of course I was never alive and I’m just a figment of your imagination: but that’ll mean you’ve got a very deranged imagination… Oooh goody 😉

Anyway – I’ve been having some time off blogging not really out of choice, but due to time constraints: the servers at work have been playing up something rotten recently (here’s a word of advice: AVOID upgrading to Ensim Pro if you can: the several hours of overtime, weekend working and annoyance when the system crashes for “no apparent reason” is not fun), we’ve got a major redesign of our main search engine placement site about to “go live”, we’ve also got a “do it yourself online promotion” tool about to launch (with the associated fun in actually writing and debugging the bulk of it), I’ve also had a cat to care for, general house work, moving most of our customers to different datacentres (because of the Ensim Pro problems we’ve had to rush to bring 2 more datacentres online: and it was only a fortnight ago that a power transformer blew up at our main facility – luckily all generators and UPSes kicked in on time so customers never even noticed we were without utility power for nearly a week!), trying to burn DVDs (first ensure you have “DVD authoring” software available, then find out that the software shipping with your shiny new Dell PC doesn’t work so you have to buy a magazine with the software on the cover CD, then find out the DVD+Rs you brought, whilst compatible with the drive, just don’t work because of “power calibration” issues), and other little things….

Basically, as soon as I’ve got home (sometimes 3 hours after I was supposed to leave work), I’ve either worked from home to watch the servers or practically gone straight to bed! I’m still knackered (tired), hungry (most nights I’ve been too tired to eat: £80 worth of shopping has nearly lasted Smokey and I a whole month!) but I’ve got to change things: because I’ve been so stressed and busy at work I’ve made little mistakes which aren’t good (not checking a site in Google once it’s been re-optimised – even though Google had problems and had to roll back to an old backup), plus I’ve got my birthday coming up shortly.

Up – I’ll repeat that My 24th birthday is on June 15th: the same day as Father’s Day! I’ve got an Wish List if you want to buy me a present. I’ve heard a rumour from my parents that I might be getting a dishwasher for my birthday (I tend to do washing up on the “I need a plate” basis: I’ve currently got 1 semi-clean plate and a washing up bowl full of dirty ones 🙁 ), going out for a meal and maybe a few other treats but we’ll see.

Anyway, that’s everything nearly summed up. Oh – there’s been a change of staff at work (BRCW has “left”, was replaced by someone else who didn’t work out and now we are getting someone else in, but could still be looking for a “Trainee Search Engine Optimiser” in the near future – especially if I keep making the mistakes I have been 🙁 ), I’ve been proposed to (well, call it an “arranged marriage” – if myself and GESF ‘s flatmate are still single when we are thirty we’re going to marry each other and GESF is going to be my mistress), and SSCW sort of asked me out this afternoon (in a kinda roundabout way: but I think we are both shy so it’s the only way for us) but I think it’s just going to be a “mates go to university and look at degree exhibits” type thing – and finally GESF is going to a singles night tomorrow night: but she’s not “going going”, she’s only helping out….

> And that, Doctor, sums up my life recently.
< Richy, I think we definitely need to get the men in white coats to see you!
> Nooo! Not the butchers!

Snippet: Feline Floor

*snippet* It seems Smokey was a bit scared last night of her new environment and kept on crying every time I left her alone with the lights off for more than 10 minutes. I ended up having to sleep on the floor with her to try and help her feel safe. She seemed alright with that, but 6 hours on a floor isn’t my ideal sleeping environment – hence I’m still pretty tired now 🙁

Hopefully, I’ll be able to spend tonight in my own bed with Smokey safely downstairs…

Personal: Cute Cuddly Cat

SmokeyYep, that there’s a picture of my new pussy cat Smokey (or Smoky: I dunno what spelling it is). She’s around 3 years old and comes to me care of my parents (they had 4 cats: the grandmother Gizmo, her son Tigger and daughter Smokey and then then little tom cat Damien whose mother had to be put down after breaking her back trying to get through a window).

The reasons why I got Smokey are numerous. She’s been picked on by the other cats a bit recently (especially by her mother – Gizmo), she’s allergic to fleas and, whilst she has been treated for them, as soon as she gets rid of the fleas the other cats give her some more, plus I’ve been a bit lonely and just wanted some company.

She’s downstairs at the moment and I’m hoping she’ll get some sleep. I’ve had her now for around 6 hours (since my parents brought her round in a cat basket that she wasn’t too happy about being put into), but she’s still very nervous and frightened. At one point when I came through the living room door (which I had left purposely open for her to be able to investigate if she wanted), she did a little snarl/hiss at me until she recognised me.