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Snippet: Blogshares

Hmm, I’m doing reasonable alright on Blogshares I think – I currently have a portfolio worth $2294.88 and just about the only “bad” decision I seem have made so far is buying shares in Neil’s World (as it’s currently running at just 0.86 P/E) – where as my “bulk buying” of shares in Revolving Duck and already seem to be paying off – and my own blog isn’t doing too bad either… Ciaran’s Journal is middle of the road with a profit/earnings ration of just 1.

Yes, I managed to “Richy Blogged” a site out of existence. Take that Slashdot – me mentioning a site on my blog caused it to disappear from the internet due to the load because of my loyal visitors!

Go me!

Or, Blogshares could just be suffering technical problems again 🙁


  1. Can you spell “hostile takeover”?

    Oh – you mean that aren’t enabled yet on Blogshares? Drat… Don’t worry, my boat’s still floating and I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve which should hopefully allow me to “pump and dump” your shares (something I wouldn’t be allowed to do on the real stock market)… Expect a scandal soon 😉

  2. hehe. You bought up most of my shares. I don’t know how it’s paying off for you since it’s still at only 1 cent a share, but whatever floats your boat.

    Luckily, I couldn’t make a bad investment in Neil’s blog as there are no shares available.

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