Like Neil, I’m now on holiday – but unlike him, I’m away until a week on Sunday.
See you in September!
Random ramblings and ravings of Richy B
Like Neil, I’m now on holiday – but unlike him, I’m away until a week on Sunday.
See you in September!
What is it with me and Angelina Jolie in tight clothes? When I saw her in Hackers, I thought she was quite good looking and the preview images I’ve seen of Tomb Raider II of her in a wetsuit *drool*.
I haven’t seen her in any films since Hackers, so don’t ask me to comment on the original Tomb Raider movie (I haven’t even played the game) or her acting skills post-Johnny Lee Miller, but I’ve still gone ahead and made a background/wallpaper style montage of her in her wet suit (ok, the middle Angelina could do with some more photo editing work – especially on the left arm, but it’s still drollabale material).
Anyway, I’m off to bed now – and I’ll leave you to guess what I’ll (hopefully) be dreaming about tonight 😉
I was just “channel surfing” and I came across a film which I recognised within seconds. To most of the Guess That Movie crowd, you’ll be used to this – but I’m not: especially since it’s a film I’ve only watched once when I brought it over 6 years ago! I shocked myself at managing to recognise such an obscure movie so quickly!
Why aren’t I saying what it is? Well, I think I’ve found which film the next Guess That Movie screen shot will be taken from 😉
Well, it seems a certain Kymberlie R. McGuire is back on top form – she managed to correctly recognise the 68th Guess That Movie competition image as being from the film “Charlie’s Angels”. Well done Kym bear! (sorry, wrong Kymberlie).
Well, without further ado – let’s shock everybody and have round 69 (aaargh – I just noticed which number it is: what an opportunity I’ve missed – blame my bad day) within 2 hours of the previous round – take a guess and let me know which movie/film you think the screen shot has been taken from.
For those of you who are new, read on for the details of the competition and the prizes you could win – otherwise, just make your guess by leaving a comment with your name (or alias), email address (real one please: only I can see them anyway and I hate spam), web site address (totally optional) and the name of the movie you are guessing at.
A: Hollow Man. Correctly guessed by “Kevin”
Crap! (actually, I was going to saw something much worse but…). I’ve had the s—tist day for ages today: it all started last night: I couldn’t get comfortable in bed and when I did manage to sleep I had really bad nightmares (such as my own death: but with kinda “camera zoom in” style close ups – something I didn’t really need after seeing myself die!).
The cat then woke me up at 4am by Meowing (something she’s been really p–ing me off with recently: she just meows for no reason), so I let her outside eventually – well, I got out of bed, went downstairs (she ran past me and sat at the front door), I opened the door (note: just out of bed and naked!) she just looked at me. I close door, follow her in to the lounge and she just flops down. I walk back towards the stairs and she runs and tries to climb up the front door (indicating she wants it open), I open it and she eventually went out. Couldn’t get back to sleep.
Alarm went off at 7.30am (as per normal) but because I was so tired I didn’t hear it until around 8.20am then realised that what I thought was the 7.30am news was, in fact, the 8.30! So have to rush to get ready for work – and discover that I’ve got no hot water for a wash PLUS I’ve got quite a growth of stubble that needs shaving. Have my shave and have very very very quick hair wash (hair still unruly several hours later).