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Richy's Random Ramblings

Fun: Weeble+Bob

[Weeble from Weeble+Bob]I’ve been a fan of The Everyday Happenings of Weebl (and sometimes weebles friend Bob + Hairy Lee) site (a Flash cartoon strip about two “weebles” and their antics: quite funny plot lines, good background music and the speech is quite funny as well) for quite a few weeks now and I just can’t wait for the next instalment (at the moment, there’s a filler strip about penguins). If you can’t remember, Weebles were those children’s pointy ended, round-bottomed toys from yester-year that you could push and just wouldn’t fall down.

Anyway, I came across their forums and this doctored photo of a “pony-girl”. Ok, it’s been doctored/Photo-shopped in the way that it’s had a pie added to it (read Weeble+Bob and you’ll understand why), but I wonder where the original photo came from… Does any one know?

News: Myra Hindley Has Died

Well, the Moors MurdererMyra Hindley has died aged 60. I haven’t really got much to say on the subject as she was imprisoned for the murder of the 2 children in 1966 (she later confessed to the rest) which was ‘before my time’. I’m not even quite sure why I’m blogging about it, but at least the cost on the prison service has been reduced (she’s been in prison for around 40 years and had made quite a number of appeals in the time). Oh well.

The only kinda (and I know this may sound “sick” to some people) amusing thing about it all is that she’s going to be cremated. For some reason, I can remember a song that went “Myra Hindley, she smoked like a chimney, but she’s my little nicotine girl” and just recalling those lyrics (which may not even be accurate) in-conjunction with her being cremated (ie going up a chimney) is kinda ironic…

Game: Radial Pong

Sigh, I remember playing Pong with the old Paddle-style joysticks on a video games system when I was just a wee kid. And now Firda has blogged about the Java Radial Pong game. Instead of the bats being straight, vertical and facing each other on opposite sides of the screen, they are curved and can travel all the way round in a circle. So instead of having to cover a straight line (where the ball could bounce out), you’ve now got to cover 360 degrees. *gulp*