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Category: Guess That Movie

Guess That Movie: IL: Hunk

Guess That Movie Round 49Oh – Kymberlie (again) managed to correctly guess the previous image and picked up 40points into the bargain (the 4th lowest amount collected): Guess That Movie 48 was an image of “Sparky” (Canadian actress Karyn Dwyer – see another similar picture for proof) in the movie “Lethal Tender” amazoncom:6304542941 which also starred Carrie-Anne “Trinity from the Matrix” Moss (hence the “Reloaded” and “Revelations” clues I gave out) and Jeff Fahey (who, coincidentally appeared in a 1999 movie also called ‘Revelation’).

Now that’s the little trivia out of the way, I think it’s time for Guess That Movie 49… Dum dum dum…. And in “celebration” of the fact that Kymberlie should have now received her $25.04 gift voucher, I present a snapshot of semi-naked man that I took from the TV for all you women to gawp at: just look at the pecs on him! And it’s been ages since I was last on TV…

Nah – it’s not me (*nods: yes it is!*/*shakes head: nah, not really*/*nods: yeah, it is! 😉 ), but who is it? And, more important, which film is it from? Go on – have a guess.

(Why no blurb? Well, I’m busy watching a movie myself 😉 )
A: Hunk amazoncom:6302874599 [Order from] . Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire

Guess That Movie: Scores So Far V

Guess That Movie - Scores So FarI know last time I said that the 9 movies in the previous round had just flown by – it happened again this time. In fact, the screenshots went by so quickly that I’m around 3 images behind with the “Scores So Far” – hence, at the moment Guess That Movie Round 48 is still available for guessing….

Anyway, what’s the score board looking like? Well, Kymberlie R. McGuire is still in the lead with 1610 points (that have just been converted to a $25.04 gift voucher: hopefully she’ll receive it this time – Amazon still has the “old” voucher as “Pending revision” yet neither myself nor they can make any alterations to it!), then it’s Ph33r_m3 with 590 points (who hasn’t had a “win” since round 20), then LD with 445 points (55 points off the “being able to claim a prize” mark of 500 points), then Super Beastmaster with 380 points…

During the last few images (remember at the time of writing, the current Guess That Movie image is still available for guessing), we’ve had a few new players: Hello and welcome and good luck! You just need to guess which movie the screen shot is taken from, and if you guess correctly – you get points. Each point is “worth” one penny – and once you’ve got 500 points or more, you can “trade” them in for an or gift voucher (at the appropriate exchange rate).

Well, now the high score table and everything is up to date – get guessing!

Guess That Movie: XLVIII: Lethal Tender

Guess That Movie 48Somebody could have reminded me a couple of rounds ago that I’m meant to do a “Scores so far” every nine images – I’ve missed the latest one… I’ll tell you what though, after this image there won’t be a new Guess That Movie image until Monday: this will give me a chance to catch up with the scores, work on the new site and a few other things (and have another attempt at sending out Kymberlie prizes: a problem with Amazon prevented the last prize going out and she’s earned herself a fair few more points since then – like recognising Angelina Jolie in Original Sin amazoncom:B00005V4XU which was round 47).

Go on, leave a guess and see if you can recognise the movie from this image – if you think you do know which movie the screen shot is from, leave a comment with your name (or alias), email address and your guess and I’ll try and mark it correct or incorrect as soon as possible.

“In 1978 a crack commando unit was sent to bed by their urges for the necessity to reproduce. The woman then gave birth from a minimum security hospital to a son. Today, still wanted by women everywhere, he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you are single. If you are female, and if you can find him, maybe you can date, Richy C.”
(yep, it’s “not a cartoon, but my ego needs stroking” style totally unrelated TV lyrics time: and if there is anything bigger than my ego, I want it found and shot – plus it looks ugly in those sun glasses and the wig…)

Oh – extra 20 points for the first person to recognise a) the unrelated TV show, b) the unrelated Radio Show AND c) the unrelated cartoon strip mentioned in that “quote” and paragraph…
A: Lethal Tender amazoncom:6304542941 . Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire

Guess That Movie: XLVII: Original Sin

[Guess That Movie 47]Wow, I didn’t think the previous image was so hard to guess: 5 incorrect guesses (and a few subtle hints from myself) before Kymberlie managed to recognise the fact that the image was taken from the 1997 movie “The Edge” [Order from] amazoncom:000006IUQ . I’m surprised somebody else didn’t pick up the fact that the cannibal reference was in regard to “Anthony Hopkins” and the “cold cannibal” bit was because the film was set in Alaska and had now around the image of the log cabin…

Oh well, I’m not to reason why – I’m just here to post and laugh. Wait. Hang on – that isn’t right. Not to worry – maybe once I’ve totted up all the scores so far (which I’m planning on doing tonight), my brain will be in gear. In the meantime, however, see if you can recognise which movie this image was taken from. (I’m actually glad I double check them before posting: I had mislabelled the CD this movie is on!).

Just leave a comment with your guess, and I’ll let you know if you correctly guessed that movie or not…

“Here is a blog, Richy’s blog, wound up and ready to play,
But this blog can hide a secret inside,
Can you guess what is in it today?”
A: Original Sin. amazoncom:B00005V4XU . Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire

Guess That Movie: XLVI: The Edge

Guess That Movie 46Well, it looks like Kymberlie (or, at least her anonymous co-workers: guys/girls you can have a guess on your own) is back, and guessing away: “she” managed to recognise Guess That Movie 45 as being taken from “Braveheart” – co-incidentally, the episode of “South Park” I watched earlier today was “Starvin’ Marvin’” where Chef looks like a certain blue-paint wearing person from Braveheart (and, if you are a fan of South Park, you’d know that Chef’s parents come from Scotland).

Anyway – on to image 46. I’ll let you all into a little secret, today I splashed out an purchased a WinTV television capture card so that I can now take snapshots from VHS and live TV (instead of just relying on DVDs) – expect a wider range of images now…

So, complements of WinTV, here’s round 46 – take a guess at which movie the image has been taken from and leave a comment with your guess (and don’t forget to put your clocks forward on Sunday). Oh – and since there are several movies with the same name as this movie, I’m going to have to insist you include either the year OR a name of one of the main characters so I know you’re guessing at the correct movie.

Good luck!
A: The Edge (1997). amazoncom:B000006IUQ [Order from] . Correctly guessed by Kymberlie R. McGuire